anakin summary? anakin summary!!

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The day Anakin Skywalker dies he becomes a legend.

A legend, not a fallen angel. He becomes immortal, a golden hero, the galaxy's last hope and the republic's shining soldier, the stories of his great adventures and sieges burning within the people's hearts forever.

He leaves the world a better place, sacrificing himself for greater good, dying amidst the raging clone wars and finding solace in his last few moments.

No crimson blade, no burned wings, no fire scorching through his skin, no dark hot fury flashing through his veins. No metal suit. He dies as the hero he really is, golden curls and bronze skin, a lion's heart and loving soul.

The day Anakin Skywalker dies, Selyn Val'aeon starts falling into a black horrid void with no end. The force around her lashes out, angry, white-hot and so incredibly scared, searching for his presence, for his loving touch, his gentle smile. His fire-hot lips and gentle hands, his eyes like sapphire skies she likes to get lost in, his warm voice and his so unique way of calming her down.

The force rears in a cataclysmic maelstrom and crumbles into nothingness.

Void. Empty. A world without him.

She screams and nobody hears her. He was the chosen one, they say. What happens now? They wonder, and some of them mourn him and others are anxious, because who will bring balance to the force now?

Selyn doesn't care, and nobody sees her fall until she sets the world on fire, feeding the crimson flames with the inferno within her heart.

And so no one will remember the lovers they were, no one will remember their story before it all died.

No one will ever know how much they loved each other, how brightly their hearts burned and how brighter her smile once was. No one will ever know that they loved to watch Coruscant's sunrises, sneaking out of the jedi temple, hand in hand, giggling, bare-feet. No one will ever know all their quiet whispers and little jokes, the plans they had for their future and how sweet the flowers were that he puts behind her ear, how warm the golden sunlight on their faces, and how much sweeter their kisses.

No one will remember.

(This is a galaxy of war, of puppetmasters and pawns, of sacrifice and loss. A galaxy where destruction is inevitable, no matter how hart you fight. ) not sure if I should add this idk idk 

They are star crossed lovers doomed to fall, too bright and too close to the sun - but their love is not the end of it all.

Her downfall will be. 

its very uhm SAD but yuh 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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