Gemini (M) X Cancer (F) X Aquarius (M)

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Gemini's P.O.V- 

Is it bad to like two people at once? I have been told so many different answers. "No" "Yes" "It's wrong" "It's fine". I like a guy and a girl. The guy is named Aquarius, He is the most popular guy in the school. The girl is cancer, She is a very shy person and gets bullied a lot. Aqua likes her while I like her. Today we decided to ask her at the same time. When we confronted her, she said "We all can go on one date, I will choose at the end of the date." It was good enough for me. We all set a time of next Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. I go to class thinking about Cancer and Aquarius. 

Cancer's P.O.V-

I go to the mall and get a text from Pisces. I ignore it because he was saying sorry for an argument. I was getting ready for my date with Aqua and Gemini. I look around and find this adorable blue dress. The dress had a belt around the dress and It was short but cute enough.

Aqua's P.O.V-

Finally today is the day, I'm going on a date with Gemini and Cancer. God I love them very much. Cancer has to choose one of us so we will see who she chooses. I meet up with Gemini before we met up with cancer. Damn how Cancer was hot. That dress almost made my nose bleed. I drive them to a local cafe. I buy them food. Gemini ordered a Chowder soup and a coke. Cancer ordered a pizza and a sprite. I then take them to the park where we run around and have fun. It was now 5:30 p.m and we decided to end the date. I say "Hey, who do you choose cancer?" She said "Um..."

~Cancer chooses Gemini ending~

Aquarius' P.O.V-

Cancer says " I choose Gemini." I see Gemini smile as I walk away not even happy and not even sad. I feel like i had been excluded from their relationship. I then bump into someone. I look up and see it's Leo. Leo was a detention kind of guy. He sees me upset and says "Hey you ok Aqua?" I don't say anything and walk away. I feel a hand grab me and pull me back. I feel my lips on Leo's lips and I enjoy it. 

~Cancer chooses Aquarius P.O.V~

Gemini's P.O.V-

Cancer says "I choose Aquarius!" I see his face light up as my face is filled with tears. I run away not looking ahead of me. I run and run until i fall. I see a shadow and I look behind me. I see Aries bend over and pick me up. She was very strong and I feel at home. I cry on her shoulder as she hugs me. 

~Cancer chooses no one~

Cancer says "I choose no one, I'm sorry!" She runs away. Aqua and Gemini look at each other and then blush. They say "Well I guess we are both alone and we do like each other." Without thinking, they immediately start making out as everyone around them starts to clap. 

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