Chapter 2

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Your POV

As you walked down the dark halls of the church, you put the white hood on your back up and sighed softly. "Today is the day I get a fragment of Excalibur, a Holy Sword."

Eventually you got to the main hall where the head of the church was waiting for you. "Ah Y/n my son, welcome. We have been waiting for you, please come close and kneel."

"Father." You smiled a bit and walked forward and kneeled down in front of him. "It's an honor to be one of the rare few to be selected to receive such a blade."

"Think nothing of it, in fact I had a good feeling about you the moment you came here to train." The Father said and put a hand on your shoulder. "Rise, and be ready."

You nodded slightly and slowly rose from your knees to your feet. "So with all due respect, what blade will I be receiving."

"It is my belief that you may finally be the one to wield The Holy Sword Evalo." The Father held out his hands and created a magic circle, summoning a crusader type blade with a golden hilt and silver blade that had a green outline. "This blade is very powerful, but the cost is it is very difficult to wield. No one has ever succeeded in bounding with it, but I believe you are the one."

"Father I...I don't know what to say, how do I even go about attempting this?" You asked, staring at the blade in awe.

The Father simply smiled at you from the dark. "It's simple, just reach out and take the blade. If you are to become one with it, you will wield the blade with the skill and precision that you have been trained with."

You eventually nodded and looked up
into The Fathers eyes with confidence. "Yes Father, and thank you for this chance. I hope to not let you down." You reached for the blade and grabbed it by the hilt, feeling a surge of power course through you as you picked up the blade. "W-woah, it's heavier then I expected."

The Father wiped a happy tear from his eye and clapped his hands together once the blade had fully left his hands. "I knew I sensed something special about you. It's about time that blade found an owner worthy to wield it. But be warned, it can be destructive if used improperly."

You nodded and used your magic to create a holster for the blade on your back and then slide the sword into place and covered it with your cloak. "I will train with it before using it in battle, thank you for the warning."

"Of course my son, in fact I have a new partner who's been dying to meet you all day." The Father said and glanced over his shoulder, motioning someone out from the darkness.

You tilted your head slightly to the right in a mixture of surprise and confusion. "A partner? Well this day is certainly full of surprises."

From the darkness, you saw a slim figure emerge wearing a similar church cloak to yours but a little different. Once the person stepped out of the shadows and into the light you saw it was a female around your age. She had light orange hair which was tied into two pony tails that hung from each side. She seem to have dark purple eyes as well. "This is Irina Shidou, a young prodigy with a Holy Sword."

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir, I can't wait to start working with you." Irina said and bowed politely.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, I'm Y/n, the most recent Holy Sword graduate." You said and bowed to her back.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, I already have your first mission from the higher ups." Father said and handed you a slip of paper. "This is the location of a devil that has been abducting kids late at night, you must go and slay it and return the kids home safely."

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