Chapter 3

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It took over three hours, but eventually you and Irina had finally gotten all the kids back home safely. All of them were so grateful and many of them thanked God for sending the two of you to rescue them from the Devil.

"Well...we should find somewhere to sleep for the night and contact HQ to let them know the mission was a success." You pointed out to Irina after dropping off the last kid.

"Yes we should, and we should hurry so I can better treat that injured shoulder of yours." Irina pointed out, gesturing to your wound.

"I-it's nothing to worry about re-" Before you could even finish, Irina cut you off with a finger to your lips.

"I don't want to hear it Y/n, you're injured and need rest and medical attention." Irina smiled slightly. "Luckily for you I have enough training to patch you up once we get somewhere we can rest for the night."

Knowing her mind had been made up, and there seemed to be no changing it, you sighed and nodded slightly as a small smile appeared on your face. "Alright fine, is there any place around here we can stay?"

"If I remember correctly, there's an abandoned church just outside town. We passed it on the way in." Irina replied, patting your back as she pulled her hood up. "Come on lets go tough guy."

You nodded and pulled your hood up, wincing a bit from the injury but shrugged it off as you started to follow behind Irina. "Should take us about ten or so minutes by my guess."

"Maybe longer if we have to stop every now and then, that wound is deep." Irina slowed down a bit, making sure you kept pace with her. "I feel so bad, I pray you will forgive my causing of this horrible result of my attack."

You smiled and chuckled slightly, reaching up and rubbing her head gently. "Hey, I already said it was alright. But if you need to hear it, I forgive you even though it wasn't directly your fault."

Irina blushed a bit but smiled warmly at you and wrapped her arms around you in a gentle hug. "Ohhhh thank you Y/n!!"

"Hey hey it's no problem Irina." You laughed softly, gently hugging her back. "Now come on we need to hurry since you seem to be in such a rush to patch me up."

Irina quickly pulled back and nodded with her adorable smile still on her face. "Right! Come on lets hurry! But at a rate you can mange Mr. Hero."

"You're just full of nicknames aren't ya?" You asked, playfully shaking your head as the two of you started walking towards the edge of town again.

"Well, you've given me a lot of material to work with so far. Saving me, the kids, heck even shrugging off that hit and continuing to fight." Irina giggled softly, glancing at you.

"Well then I can probably expect a lot more in the future while we work together huh?" You asked, glancing ahead for a moment to see if you could spot the church.

"You better believe it!" Irina held her arm up and made a fist with a confident smile. "Especially if you keep doing this well, I'm impressed."

"Thanks, you impressed me as well." You replied, holding out your arm as well and fist bumped her. "I thank God for placing you as my partner, though I won't lie there's an old friend I was hoping would come back as a surprise."

Irina seemed interested and tilted her head slightly, lowering her arm after you two shared that fist bump. "Oh? Who might this friend of yours be?"

"I'll tell you later I promise, but right now, we're here." You pointed out, stopping in front of the church.

Irina looked in front of her, gasping softly. "Wow, this is a big church. I wonder why they let this one close down." She quickly turned back to face you and put her hands on her hips, leaning forward and getting a little closer to you. "And you'd better finish telling me when I'm done patching you up."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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