Chapter 11: Dance Practice

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2nd person pov

(A/n: They are practising for a performance on Mnet.)

Bang chan put on the music and immediately the boys got into formation and watched themselves in the mirror while dancing to hellevator (A/n: remember a few months ago they debuted in this so it would make sense.)
"Wow. They are so talented." You thought. Mesmerised, you stared at every move sometimes discreetly copying some moves while seated. You found yourself remembering the dance perfectly and most of the words.

After 2 hours, Bangchan decided they should have a quick break and grab a bite.
"Hey Y/n you wanna come join us? We're going to get something to eat at the cafeteria." Jeongin asked.
"Uhm, nah I'm good actually."
"You sure?" Bangchan asked.
"Yeah I'm sure, you go ahead, I'll wait right here." You replied.
"I'm staying to, I want to keep practising and I'm not hungry. Could you get me a bottle of water though?" Hyunjin asked.
"Yeah, sure." Chan said, a little worried since you have had anything in a while.

After they had left you watched Hyunjin try the whole dance for under 5 minutes.
"Hey, Y/n, Chan hyung told me that you went to a performing arts school right?"
Hyunjin asked tiredly.
"Oh yeah, we did in high school, I enjoyed dance practice the most. Why do you ask?" You replied.
"Well I thought if you went there then maybe you were good at dancing or singing maybe rapping."
"Ah ok, well I don't know if I'm good but I do love doing it." You said with a chuckle.
"Well why don't you try? I saw you when we were practising, it looks like you picked up alot."
"Well, I don't know..." You said unsure.
"Please?" He was annoyingly persuasive.
"Fine." You chuckled. You got up and did some quick stretches and then Hyunjin turned the music on. He counted you in and you started. You put alot of effort into it but you were a little rusty since you haven't danced in a while. Halfway through dancing you didn't notice Jyp and Chan talking while walking into the room as the music was so loud. As they walked in they stopped in their tracks and paused their conversation. They both looked at you, amazed by your talent. They looked at Hyunjin in astonishment and Hyunjin looked back at them nodding in agreement like a proud dad.
"Wow, Bang Chan, did you teach her this?" Jyp asked. Hyunjin walked over.
"No I didn't, Hyunjin did you teach her this?" Chan asked.
"No, she picked it up while watching us." Hyunjin said.
"We can't waste this talent, Bang Chan, Hyunjin, you must get her to come for the audition happening soon." Jyp insisted.
3rd person pov

Y/n finished dancing and looked to her left for Hyunjin to find he was gone, she looked to the right and saw Hyunjin with Bang Chan. Her jaw dropped and eyes widened.
"Oh my gosh, what are you doing back so quick." She asked hesitantly.
"Wow, that was amazing, the way you danced and how you memorized the choreography so quickly." Chan said, completely ignoring her question.
"Oh thank you so much." She was really embarrassed.
"I can't believe you asked me to do that!" She said lightly hitting Hyunjin's shoulder.
"Hey! But you were really good!" He said truthfully.
"Jyp saw you as well, he said you should audition. I think you should too." Chan said with persuasion.
"Me too." Hyunjin said.
"I don't know... Chan you know my parents, if they didn't want me going to  that school then they definitely don't want me to audition. I probably won't even pass anyways." Y/n said.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up, your an adult (A/n: 20 like Bang Chan when he debuted) you can make your own decisions and if Jyp thinks your good then I'm sure your going to pass, only if you try." Chan said, he was always good at making Y/n give in.
"We think you should do it too!" Felix said coming from around the corner.
" Jeez! How long were you all there for." Y/n said startled.
" Not long enough obviously, we didn't get to see you dance." Jisung said.
"Oh good then." She said with relief.
"We will catch you next time...WHEN YOUR IN THAT AUDITION!" Seungmin said.
"Since when was that decided?" Y/n said crossing her arms.
"Right now. Will you please go to that audition. Please." Jeongin said smiling while his braces shined brightly. How could she say no to him.
"Ah fine, but on one condition, you all have to help me." She said, there was no way she would do this alone. "Of course we will." Minho said.
"Ok then I will go audition!"

2nd person pov

After one more hour, you all went back to their dorm and had a quick shower Felix gave you a hoodie and some joggers. They were oversized and gave you sweater paws Chan thought it was cute but he wished he could give you something to wear first. After that it was about 4.00pm. You and Chan went out to go get your new puppy. You entered the pet shop to find the same lady from yesterday.
"Came to get your new pet?" She asked.
"Yes!" You said excited. The lady opened the cage and put the puppy on the floor as soon as it saw you it ran to you.
"Not shy anymore huh?" You said while crouching to pick him up. Chan scratched under its chin coming closer to you. You both stared at it smiling.
The lady cut you off and said as your getting your first puppy I suggest you buy some necessities.
"O-oh yes, we will do a quick shop." Chan said flustered. You smiled at him.
Carrying the pup you went round and bout a few things like a leash, a bed, dog food, a dog bowl, a collar etc. After everything was bought you left them in Chan's car when you got back to the dorm. As you opened the door the boys, who were making dinner, looked at you. Everyone's faces lit up except Minho who was more of a cat person.
"A puppy!!" Screamed Jeongin.
"Careful, he is quite shy." You said. They immediately quieted down and you handed him over to Jeongin and all the others petted him.
"Hey, Minho get over here." Said Jisung.
"I'm good." Said Minho reluctantly. Jisung dragged Minho and took his hand and made it pet the pup. Minho's hand relaxed and he had a soft smile on his face.
"What did you name him?" Minho asked.
"Oh I don't know. What do you think Minho?"
"What about... Soonie?" He said proudly. (A/n: I don't know the genders of his cats so let's say Soonie is a boy.)
"Like your cat?" You said smirking.
"You know what, I like it it suits him. Soonie it is." You agreed.

After that you fed Soonie and had dinner from what the boys made or tried to anyways. It was some simple Ramen soup. Surprisingly, it tasted good. You remembered your mum said you had to come home today. After you finished dinner, you helped clear up and Chan took you home.
"Thank you Channie. For today and telling me to do that audition I don't think I would've tried without you." You said.
"Always." He said smiling he helped put everything for the dog at your door. He was about to go when you called him.
"Chan?" He turned around. You went on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, he blushed. He smiled and walked to the car, went in and drove off. Your mum opened the door and let you in helping you with the things. You were tired but told her everything that happened, she was really happy for you. She would look after Soonie as you got ready for bed.
"Thanks mum, love you, goodnight."
"Good night sweetie, love you too." You walked upstairs with Soonie and his bed, placed it on your bedroom floor and placed him on the bed. You climbed into yours but as soon as you did Soonie jumped onto your bed. He was warm and cuddly so you allowed it. You both drifted to bed.

"I have never seen her so happy." Your mother said.

"Yes, those boys with Bang Chan must be very good to her." Your dad agreed.

Authors note:

Hey yall, it's the vampire from the south southwest. (If you know Keeho from P1harmony you'll get it.) This is my longest chapter yet with 1465 words! Anyways its 1.30am, I'm tried af and need sleep so see ya...

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