The propose

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As both Atlanna and Mera is still kissing while they are naked in the throne room so Mera's dad King Nereus brings the rings to his daughter Mera after King Nereus give rings to Mera he decided to leave and continue to train the troops. As Mera receive the rings from her father she decided to propose to Atlanna which make Atlanna surprise by it so Mera say:"Atlanna will you be my wife?" Atlanna say:"Yes! Mera I will be your wife!" Mera continued:"Atlanna? Aren't you going to ask me something?" While pointing at the other ring Atlanna:"Well... Mera I know that you will say yes!" Mera continued:"Yeah... Good point" so Mera put one of rings on Atlanna's hand while Atlanna put the other ring on Mera's hand after they did that the both of them continue kissing Atlanna break the kiss for a bit and ask Mera:"Mera when is our wedding dates and venue?" Mera answered:"The venue will be here and dates will be 2 days from today" Atlanna:"Oh! Ok! But are you sure that the wedding venue will be here? Cause you know we are still naked" Mera:"Don't worry I will make a barrier around us during the wedding" Atlanna:"Ok then! Mera how about asking your dad to be the officiant for our wedding?" Mera:"Ok! No problem!" And they continue kissing each other passionately after the kiss Mera goes back home and sees King Nereus back from train the troops so Mera ask King Nereus:"Dad? Will you be the officiant for my and Atlanna wedding?" King Nereus:"Of course! I will! After all Mera you are my daughter!" Mera:"So dad is that a yes?" King Nereus:"Yes!" Mera :"Thanks! Dad! The wedding will be 2 days from today and the venue will at the throne room" King Nereus:"Oh! Ok!" Mera:"Love you and good night! Dad!" King Nereus:"Love you too and good night" So Mera goes back to her room and sleep

 Mera's and Atlanna's relationship Where stories live. Discover now