Rainy Day

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"So we meet again my sweet Kryptonian, how have you been?"

"Wonderful without you around."

The man simply chuckled, smiling down at Kara in a way that made her skin crawl.

"I'm not too concerned about that, you'll soon learn to love me, Luthor will never see you again, she'll never feel you again, she'll never experience that love again because you'll be all mine."

"I could never be yours."

"Ah but you were so close last time, if I hadn't been knocked out we'd be together."

"I wasn't really going to take it you know."

"I know, that you were reaching for it until Luthor messed it all up."

"And I know that it takes a drug for me to love you, I could never do it in my right mind."

"We'll see about that my lovely Kryptonian treasure, but you are mine, you will always be mine."

Kara woke up in a pool of sweat, Lena was nowhere around and for a second she panicked, had he gotten to her again?

Before she get a chance to hyperventilate, a sleepy brunette came into the room with a cold towel and a new sheet.

"You have a terrible fever, I nearly burned the back of my hand checking your forehead."

"I'm sorry."

Lena shook her head, holding the towel against Karas forehead and pushing away the hairs that stuck to her forehead.

"No need for apologies sweetheart, I'm here to take care of you."



"Was I supposed to belong to Mike?"


"If he was so obsessed with me, how come he didn't find me first?"

"He never went searching, he said when the time was right you'd come to him."


Lena raised an eyebrow at the obviously conflicted blonde, something was going on up there that she didn't know about.

"What's going on Kara?"

"I reached for it."


"The serum, I reached for it, I was going to take it and I don't know why."

"Oh honey, honey you were in shock, you didn't know."

"But I did know! I believed what he was telling me, that he would treat me right if I came with him willingly, that he would love me, that I'm his, I'm his!"

"No you are not, you are mine Kara Zor El, you know that."

"Do I?"


"I don't mean to upset you, I know it's late, I know I woke you, but he wouldn't mind, he'd take care of me too right? I wouldn't be a burden to him because he's wanted me his whole life, but you, I just, I just came and messed up your whole life, you weren't even searching for me, you had no intention of meeting me, if anything I would've been discovered by Alex before you."

"But Kara-"

"I want to see him, I think, I think that'll be good right? For me to see him? Because he loves me, and he's, he's different."

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