chapter 1

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Hello my name is Tim i am sixteen years old with short blonde  hair, blue eyes, a average  body build and at the height of six feet five inches and attending high school now your wondering is this another life in high school yes and no. You see my high school is just like yours growing up with it being a all boys school, now the other part the city i live in is divided by a very large river with few bridges spanning across to the otherside on the otherside is what some people call giant town. Everything over there is enormous a giant's house is as tall as a skyscraper and the giants are like fifty feet tall ,now where my school is at it is next to the river and on the otherside is the all giant girl school also known as the giantess school. The river between us is to deep and the current is extremely strong for a giant to cross and if a tiny or giant want to use the bridges to cross into either district they have to have a special pass which is easy for a person my size than a giant to get one because of how strict on the rules and training for them to get one which is rare to see them over here. Now lets start my story on that Monday morning when me and my classmates had to for the first time interact with a giantess.

Tim is sleeping in his room enjoying a nice dream of him about to kiss his favorite singer when all of a sudden his alram clock goes off. He wakes up with a groan "uh really you dame thing" he hits the off button and sits up and looks outside to the sunny day and the river flowing nearby "just when I was having a good dream " he gets out of bed and gets dressed for school dreading going on such a nice day. After he finishes getting dressed and grabs his bed he heads down stairs to make himself breakfast since his parents have to leave for work early he is home by himself and prepares some eggs and toast.

Across the river in a similar situation a giantess named Ashley who is sixteen with long brown hair and eyes is trying to get her hair straightened out from beind a bedhead. This giantess goes to the high school for giant girls or giantess and is having a rough morning. Down stairs her mom is cooking breakfast and is humming a happy tune as she cooks.

Her hair matching her daughter's except for it being cut short and wearing business suit

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Her hair matching her daughter's except for it being cut short and wearing business suit. Jasmine is forty years old and works in marketing and business relationships. She pulls off the waffles and sausages and sets them on the table " Ashley breakfast is ready " she sits down and starts sipping her coffee.

"Coming mom" Ashley heads down stairs wearing her school uniform which is a white shirt with a black vest and skirt. She sits down and starts eating with her mom. After they finished eating Ashley heads out the door "bye mom see you after school ". She starts heading to school and links up with her friend name gwen the class goth.

 She starts heading to school and links up with her friend name gwen the class goth

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"Morning qwen " Ashley says walking along side her as they are near the river.

"Morning Ashley " qwen says with a yawn they continue there walk and the two girls look over at the other side of the river and see the tiny boys walking towards there school.

Tim is walking by himself near the river heading to school and hears someone yelling his name.

"Tim" Tim's friend name jeff runs up to him and places his arm on Tim's shoulder "you what i see" he points across the river towards the group of giantess heading to school?!

"Oh come on again didn't you learn last month your basically flying to close to the sun with this giantess fantasy "?

"Oh come on now it wasn't my fault I almost got stepped on".

"Its not only that you got caught trying to peek up a giantess skirt which if i remember right that's why you almost got stepped on and the fact you sneaked across into the giant district and now your banned from every trying to visit ".

Jeff starts getting nervous "uh yeah that part with me trying to peek was a misunderstanding ".

"Well either way come on we are going to be late" tim and jeff head to school and reach there class.

In a private meeting the giantess principle and principle of the tiny high school are discussing about a program that the two city councils have been pushing. The principal of the giantess school looks at her computer screen "ok so we are in agreement that a random class from both schools will have video chats to help bridge the gap between the two people ".

"Yes and we have set as part of there grade as a society study class" says the principal of the all boy tiny school.

"Very Well i will have everything on my end set up" they both agree and turn off their computers.

giantess high school Where stories live. Discover now