chapter 4

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The school year is going by really quick and Tim and Ashley have become good friends through the school program. Ashley is sitting in the principal's office waiting for the principal to finish looking over a pile of paperwork. "Mm i see you have everything in order and you passed every requirement " she reaches inside her desk and pulls out a pass "this is your pass , you know the rules your only allowed over there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during school hours and you must be back over before seven and no harming anyone or damaging anything " she hands Ashley the pass.

Ashley takes the pass "thank you i promise i will be on my best behavior ".

"You better failure to follow the rules will result in suspension of your pass".

Ashley leaves the office "oh i can't wait to surprise him tomorrow " she runs home to tell her mom the good news. She gets home and doesn't see her mom, she walks into the kitchen and starts making dinner. After a couple of hours jasmine comes home with a worn out expression, she walks  in, Ashley hears her come home " hi mom i got dinner going and i got news".

"What kind of news" jasmine walks into the kitchen and sits down at the table?

"Well i got my pass to visit the tiny side of the river and i get to see the tiny boy's school and visit my partner ".

"Really good job you have been studying really hard and i got something that would be perfect for your visit " jasmine gets up and heads to her bedroom. She digs around inside her closet and comes back down with a shoe box "here these shoes are a shock absorbing they will allow you to walk around the tiny city without causing the ground to shake " she places the box down and opens to reveal a pair of brown shoes.

"Oh wow they look like the shoes i wear for school " Ashley places the food on the table and they begin to eat. She couldn't help but smile about tomorrow Tim mentioned about where he lived and she thinks she figured where he is at roughly.

The next morning Tim is getting ready for school when his phone goes with a message from Ashley. He looks at his phone with a message that reads (look outside) "what in the world " he opens the blinds to see Ashley crouching down looking at his house. He runs outside and looks up at Ashley who is extremely nervous.

"Hi Tim " Ashley waves at him and gives him a nervous smile.

"Ashley your here" tim sees she is in her school uniform and is wearing shorts with her skirt, inside his head "thank goodness she is wearing shorts ".

"Yeah i passed so i am allowed to come over and go to your school on certain days and I thought I could pick you up for school " Ashley is now blushing .

Tim bushes as well "sure i guess that would be alright ".

Ashley smiles and places her hand on the ground in front of him to climb on "i am qualified to carry tinys if you want me to give you a ride ".

"Sure" tim climbs into the center of her palm of her hand "ok i am ready to go ".

Ashley raises her hand off the ground and stands up "ok lets get going" she starts walking towards the school not making a sound as she walks through the streets towards the school. Everyone is staring up at Ashley as it's rare to see a giantess walking around. They reach the school and Ashley sets him down in front of the main entrance "well i have to talk to the principal see you later ".

Tim watches her walk towards the principal's window. He heads inside only to have stares from all the guys. Jeff walks over towards "Tim what the hell is going on i heard that giantess outside dropped you off, is it true"?

"Yeah that it's true, that was Ashley who carried me here" tim reaches his locker and starts grabbing his books.

"What your kidding me, why are you so lucky " jeff moans in frustration?

"I don't know come on lets get to class" they head to their classroom and sit down.

The bell goes off and in walks the teacher "ok class we have a guest student here today, please be on best behavior" he points outside to Ashley looking inside sitting down on the ground "this is Ashley she has permission to be over here, this is a rare opportunity so the principal is expecting to be no problems if there is any inappropriate behavior will result in severe consequences, now lets continue with today's lesson".

The school day goes by and it's lunch time ,Ashley is sitting in the football field eating her lunch when Tim and Jeff arrive "oh there you are, oh is that jeff"?

"Yeah how do you know about me" jeff asks sitting down with tim?

"Gwen told me about you and i have seen you on her computer ". All three sit and eat lunch together with tim and Ashley looking at each other enjoying their lunch. After school Ashley is carrying tim back home and she decides to go by the river.

"Mm i love walking by the river after school don't you" Ashley asks?

"Yeah it's really peaceful " tim says as they head home. Ashley starts heading down the street towards tim's house "i will have to drop you off and head home before my curfew ,sorry i wish i could hangout longer ".

"Sure no problem can't wait for your next vist" Ashley drops him off and they say there goodbyes and Ashley heads to the bridge to go home.

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