miya atsumu | ☁

736 17 4

prompt: for the first time in his seventeen years of life, atsumu gets a wake-up call of what love is really like.
category: fluff
character: osamu's pain in the ass
word count: 3110
song: close by han jisung (stray kids)

Can you tell me about yourself?
You are seen from afar
I just don't want to watch without doing anything
Yeah, just tell me about you

ATSUMU BLINKED, his brown eyes suddenly landing on the figure that had plagued his mind for the past few weeks. L/n Y/n. She wasn't anything special: social, a member in various clubs (yearbook, newspaper, and art), and a stellar student. She was scholarly and simple. Yet, when she walked past, Atsumu's heart always pounded in his chest.

There was something about the way his eyes would automatically dart to her much smaller figure and how his cheeks would pink when she would smile, even if it wasn't at him. He swallows harshly, stopping his staring as he took a swig of his water bottle. Anxiety filled his veins before it dissipated as quickly as it came, his eyes landing on the basket of volleyballs.

Why should he be scared? He was the school's most popular eye candy, after all.

I can see you walking in the distance
Without fear,I approach you and ask about you
In a quiet tunnel, you're a sports car
The loud engine blares
All the walls that were painted black
I was stained with you and I was surprised at the first feeling I felt

It stunned her; the way he had easily approached her with a small smile on his lips. This was the first time their eyes met, but it already felt like she knew him inside-out. Her friend nudged her side and Y/n snapped out of it, her jaw quickly snapping shut as she stared up at the volleyball setter.

Inarizaki's most infamous setter, the unruly blond twin of Miya Osamu was standing in front of her, with a great big grin on his face. "You're L/n Y/n, right?" He asked suddenly, making her jolt again out of sheer surprise. How else were you supposed to react when one of the most handsome boys in school easily rolled your name off his tongue?

Y/n swallowed nervously before smiling shyly, nodding at him.

Name, age, where do you live
Too many questions, I know I'm being rude
I'll cross the line a little bit now
I avoided this road I was walking in danger
I'll look at you for a moment, I know, this was a nuisance at the first meeting

It was a conversation that felt like it was going on for hours. Y/n lost count of how many questions he had asked: what was her favorite color, her favorite food, her favorite animal, where did she live, what school did she go to? It was never-ending. She sauntered over to her locker, quickly exchanging her shoes.

She wanted nothing more than to flop on her bed and die. At this point, she'd convinced herself it was some kind of sick prank. First, he had magically known her name; nonetheless, looked at her and acknowledged her! Second, he pestered her with endless questions. Third, it seemed like he never stopped paying attention to her today.

"What's your favorite book?"

He froze in his tracks once she lifted her head, glaring at him powerfully.

"Are you done with your prank yet? Can you collect the money from your volleyball buddies and leave me alone already?"

I talked a lot noisily because it's my first time having these feelings, so I'm still

Atsumu's cheeks flushed in realization. How could he be so stupid? If anyone else had pestered him like this, he would've felt the same way; that it was some kind of sick joke. That, or he would've punched them in the nose already. Hell, he was surprised Y/n hadn't reeled her fist back and kissed his nose with her knuckles.

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