Primaries Reign- Day 4/5

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Four days have passed since the Primaries' return to power. The students treated them like royalty. When they asked for something, the students would go around the school looking for what they needed. They had a reserved table in the cafeteria that no one except them and the people they invited could sit at. People like Marc, Aurore, and Mireille would always sit there. Lili tried to worm her way over to the table under the guise of 'trying to convince them into being nice'. She saw how the students sitting at the regular tables looked at them like they were made of diamonds. She wanted that attention for herself, but they weren't budging. She tried everything, but when she got even just five feet close to them, two students would pull her away.

In classes that weren't Bustier's, they were the favorites, in their classmates' opinions. The teachers didn't reprimand them for disrupting class (Because they never did) If any of the others were bold enough to do anything to one of the Primaries, (Due to Lila's prompting) they would trip them on their way to their seats or throw paper balls at them, the teachers would always call them out on it. They were so glad they had Mme. Bustier. She didn't yell at them and she actually did something about Nathaniel, Chloé, and Marinette.

In the class' eyes, she was God-sent and didn't give up on lost causes like them. Once again, she tried to coax Marinette into baking some cookies and Nathaniel into painting a portrait for a picnic the class was throwing in honor of yet another one of Lila's "accomplishments". They didn't even know about it. Marinette and Nathaniel said no. They didn't falter when the class yelled at them, instead, they cowered in fear when all three of the Primaries sent them glares that shook each of them to their cores.

The class thought that they would get what was coming to them when Mme. Bustier asked them to stay behind for a bit. Wanting to see their looks of shame after walking out, they stayed behind and waited. Finally, the Primaries walked out after five minutes. And much to the class's disappointment, they had looks of satisfaction on their faces while Mme. Bustier looked like she was regretting every single choice she's ever made.

Five days have passed since the Primaries return. They were still all anyone talks about. The more they talked, the more Bustier's class stopped trying to avenge Lila once they remembered the power those three held. But Lili wasn't giving up on her mission to make their lives miserable. She'd whine to her classmates about how Marinette texted her to kill herself, Nathaniel tore up her sketches and stole her late uncle's art supplies, and Chloé pushed her down in the halls. She tried to get them to do to them what she said they did to her, but the most they did was just tell them to knock it off. Their response? 'Or what?'

It was time for Biology class with Mme. Mendeleiev. The students dreaded being in class for an hour with the toughest, meanest teacher in the school and her favorite students, knowing they're sure to get special treatment. But to their surprise, they saw a tall woman with porcelain skin, long brown hair, and green eyes. She wore a purple button-up shirt tucked into black slacks and black flats.

"Hello, class," she greeted with a smile. "I'm gonna be your substitute for today. My name's Laura Mell. Now take your seats, and we'll begin today's lesson."

Lila was beaming. With a new teacher, the class could do whatever they wanted to Mari-brat, that blonde bitch, and what's-his-face. She began writing in her notebook. It was just a detailed note for Mme. Mell, explaining how the three of them were "problem students" and are probably involved with gang activity. Good thing Nathaniel decided to wear a red leather jacket, that would really sell her story. While Mme. Mell was sorting through some papers, she placed the note on her desk.

When Alya asked what the note said, Lila, for once in her life told the truth. Alya paled, not that she wrote such things about them, but that her former bestie might be in a gang. Everyone needed to know about this, know how dangerous they were. So she got out her phone-

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