//silky splatters of a new hobby!//

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Prologue for this long chapter:

Error sews up hats and scarves and clothing for blue, nightmare and even nightmares gang! Especially the Chara's. But soon they all start telling him to open up a shop. In an au that doesn't know about him and his job, he decides to take the opportunity and becomes very popular! Even getting costumers from other aus! But when ink finds out about this mystery shop that opens out of no where, he goes to investigate. What will error do?? Will he run or will he face ink and show his harmless hobby....

Find out by reading ya dummies! I cant spoil all the goods!!

But anywayss enjoy!!


//3rd POV//

Error was sitting alone in the anti-void, well, as alone as someone could be surrounded by voices in their head telling them that they're worthless.

But that was the usual. Error was used to it at this point.

They screamed, he whispered. They whispered he screamed.

No matter what error did, the voices just kept coming back and yelling at him. So he took up a hobby to distract him form them.

'What is that hobby?' You may ask, well.

That hobby is knitting, crocheting, and sewing! Error loved having the fabrics and the needles slide together perfectly, making all types of items for himself and his friends! Some for the Chara's, some for nightmare and his gang, and his newest project! A new scarf for blue since the other one was raggedy and torn.

Error hoped to the stars and back that blue would like his present.

But either way he knew blue would still like it.

As he was finishing up the scarf he was making, a portal opened and blue stepped through the portal, error hid the scarf in a box full of yarn and needles.

"Heya error!" Blue cheered as he neared error. The same large smile he would always wear, plastered on his face.

"Im fine, what are you doing here blue? You know ink will look for you if your not at the meeting in time." Error thought blue had a meeting today. So he chose today to finish up his scarf.

"Well, ink canceled the meeting due to some other things he needed to finish up. Im guessing a plan on taking down you. But if they get back to me i'll tell you the plan! Alrighty? Oh! I got off topic, i came here to check up on you! I haven't seen you in a while. And you haven't been destroying any au's." Blue decided to sit next to error. Careful not to touch him though, due to errors fear of touching others.

"Well, that's cool, but to your question. Blue, you must remember, im inks other half. I only destroy if he creates, and for the last few,, what... Days? Weeks? Well, either way he hasn't been creating much. So i don't need to destroy." Error explained his situation as blue only nodded at his statement.

"Huh, well alrighty! I'll be back same time tomorrow! Sound good error?" Blue stood up and opened a portal. Standing there still, awaiting errors response.

"Of coarse. Take care." Error waved as blue skipped through the portal as it closed behind him.

Error sighed.

That was close.

Too close for comfort.

Error took the needle and thread back out from the box along with the scarf that's close to being done. Just a few more stitches here and there....
It had been maybe,, 10? 20, minutes and error had finally finished the scarf. He couldn't wait to gift it to blue.

Error!sans OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now