Error the multi-tuber

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So basically, error gets bored of his 'basic' life and so he starts a multi-tube channel! He soon gets famous for no reason, and soon enough he's known better for his videos than his actual job!

(This is heavily inspired by another one-shot i had read!! Shout-out to the original!)

Errors POV

I was destroying a copy of underfell, as normal.
And when i got done i decided to steal some chocolate from the sans of this au.

Well, its not like he could have a say in it, he's dead.
And so i made my through a portal as i felt inks presence. I decided to portal to nightmares castle, right after i destroy the universes code.

I walk in on the others watching a horror movie. I decide to sit down next to killer on the left couch.
There's 3 couches and a few chairs. There's the middle couch, with nightmare in the middle, eating popcorn with horror to the left of him, snagging popcorn whenever nightmares not paying attention. And cross to the right of him.
There's the left couch with me and killer on it, and the right couch with dust and blue on it.

"Hey error, where were ya?" Killer asks, chuckling to himself about who knows what.

"The usual, destroying a fell copy, stealing the chocolate and running." I shrugged. Its kinda the usual, for me anyways.

Killer smiled.

"Huh, hey error, your life's actually pretty interesting. Ya know how many people would kill for a documentary on your ass?" Killer laughed.

Blue butted into our conversation.

"Yeah error! I know a lot of sanses who would really like to know what the daily life of the destroyer is!" Blue exclaimed, catching the others attention. Dust then paused the movie.

"Hmmm, they have a new app called multi-tube. Its where people from all over the multiverse can post videos of them doing stuff. I like watching people do skate boarding tricks, or even swap chara doing stunts that could get them killed!" Dust stated. I hummed thinking about the idea of me making videos on my life.

They all stared at me as i thought.

"Oh, alright, but you guys will have to teach me how to work the damn things" i stated. They all agreed and continued watching the movie, and after the movie they would teach me how to use those cameras and computers.

~~after the movie+explaining things to error~~

/3rd POV/

The others had just explained how everything works and now error was confused on what his first video should be.

Blue had suggested something along the lines of him destroying an au or doing a stunt.

Dust suggested both of those things at once.

And so they were off!
Error opened a portal and they all carried the equipment into the random copy of underfell.

Once they were all set up dust started recording.

"Heya multi-tube! Its dust here and today we're gonna be looking into,,, idk random stuff lol" dust shrugged as he set the camera on the stand they stole.

Nightmare picked up killer with a tentacle and threw him at error as error was trying to destroy the au's code.
Error used his strings to grab killer and threw him in the air without even looking at him, killer screamed as he went up in the air.
Dust threw bone attacks at killer as he dodged as well as he could. Killer landed on the snow, balancing on a bone as the au crumbled around them.
Error made a portal on the ceiling and threw everyone up there while horror grabbed all the equipment. The camera showed the others being thrown through the portal as error jumped off of a clump of codes and leaped through the portal landing on nightmare.

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