1st year

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1ST YEAR:Hi I'm Y/n Black and I'm a Slytherin at Hogwarts and my best friend is Draco Malfoy popular Slytherin. Anyway after the sorting ceremony we went to our dorms I shared one with Pansy Parkinson my other BFF so it was perfect .She knows I have a major crush on Malfoy and she tends to keep it a secret but the only person she told was blaze zambini (srry I cant spell ) Me,Draco,Pansy,And Blaze have been in a friend group since we were really little."Y/N"! Yells Pansy " come quick " . " what Pansy " I said in my morning voice bc she woke me up for this " what did you want "? I say
" yeah so .." . "Draco is with another girl who is new here and is a hufflepuff" . " what is going through his dumb brain ".A HUFFLEPUFF MALFOY " i said as he walked in the Slytherin common room . "You know" he said ."yes we know" ."well I she's pretty". " Malfoy we are only first years how are you finding who you love already you know you won't be with the same person forever " I told him ." Well the I guess we will see".

The life of Y/n after hogwarts a (draco/Julian Albert fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now