Year 2

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Year 1:we are all packed up to go home for the winter and when we come back we will be in our 2nd year.I went up to Pansy and gave her a hug "I don't wanna leave"I said ."I don't want to with either ".Then we left.                               

YEAR 2:I was sitting on the train on my way back to the school with my face in my hands so no one could see who I was . Then I heard someone walking so I covered myself up with my coat a laid on the seat . I peeked out to see Pansy,Blaise,and Draco I wanted to surprise them and make them think I didn't come this year."Y/n didn't come this year i see" Pansy said in a sad tone "I guess so " Blaise said his voice was I a little different but not a lot but then "I bet she will I mean she loves this place" I got butterflies Draco's voice changed by a lot and it was hot ."who's that" Pansy said here's my shot I had a little glow up during the summer and so I said underneath my coat "y'all really think i wouldn't have come this year" and then I uncovered myself and they all looked at me In shock " Y/N" they all said " yeah that's me".then we arrived at Hogwarts.I walked in the great hall and sat next to Draco he still had his hair slicked back but I still thought he was hot ."yo Draco" Blaise yells "you still got that hufflepuff gf" Pansy asked "yeah" .when he said that I just rolled my eyes he saw that and he said "what's your problem" . "I -uh-umm nothing" I said he just said ok and turned to talk to crabbe and goyle then I hear "DRACY" we all looked at he it's his girlfriend "umm hi" he said "This is heather my girlfriend" heather is the most popular hufflepuff . "Hii"  she says "hi" me Blaise and Pansy say . And then she goes back to the hufflepuff table and then he rolls his eyes "what was that for" I say , " she is to annoying sometimes and I like someone else" , "oh" I said and then we all go back to our dorms.
3 MONTHS Later
We are packing up to go home again I hugged Pansy then Blaise and then Draco I loved his hugs I felt so safe hugging him and he said "don't miss me to much" , " I will try" and then I left and got on the train to leave while they did the same we weren't by each other we went out separate ways till next year .

The life of Y/n after hogwarts a (draco/Julian Albert fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now