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"Look I still like you y/n" he says "I still like you too I never stopped thinking about you" he kisses me and says "be my girlfriend" "YESSS" I say so happy and we went back to my house and cuddled on the couch when I said "do you remember the movies about u guys" "omg yes" he says "wanna watch them" I say "yesss" and I cuddled up to him and his scene came on and he said "holy shit I was so cute as a kid" "yes you were" and he blushed at me and kissed my head .After a while we both fell asleep and when I woke up I released it was the weekend and I turned around to face Julian and he looks so cute i laid my head in the crook of his neck and fell back asleep.

The life of Y/n after hogwarts a (draco/Julian Albert fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now