Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter

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(Your POV)
In the middle of a city in Japan was an office worker making his way to work. His attire consisted of dress pants, a dress shirt, a black trench coat, a (f/c) tie, glasses, and eyebags. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). While I may appear to be a regular office worker, I also have a side job as a bookkeeper, along with a job of challenging Destiny with a group of people I accidentally got involved with a log time ago the last time I went drinking. I am by no means all powerful or a god, instead, I do what I can. To be honest, I'm more like a warlock. By warlock, I mean I borrow power from a being, a library known as 'Alexandria Eternal'. Though my powers are nothing to brag about, I did save many people using my power. I walked through the city towards the office building I worked at whilst looking at my watch, I was running early, just the way I like it. To be honest, my work is rather dull, but it pays the bills. I can't just use my power to change my economic conditions, nor would having magic improve my life by much, it's just one of those "Hey that's pretty neat" things to have. I arrived at the main building moments later and entered the office building. I heard the sound of dress shoes hitting the marble floor around me, including from under me. I went into a nearby elevator and was later joined by a coworker of mine, Kobayashi, who appears to be a good person if you can look past her alcohol addiction.

"Good morning Kobayashi." I greeted as I fixed my glasses and adjusted my collar to look more professional, not for her, but because being professional is something of a requirement here.

"Morning (Y/N)." Kobayashi appeared to be tired, then again, I heard she moved apartments to a more expensive one, I'm curious as to why. "Hey, you and I are friends right?"

"I see us more as acquaintances, but I suppose friends aren't too off the mark." I answered, and before you ask, yes, I am always this cold to everyone. "Why do you ask?"

"Well I was thinking about hosting a party at my place since I just moved in, since I have no better ideas, and it's close to the weekend today." Kobayashi informed me, and it will certainly be a new experience for me. "I'm hosting a Christmas party, so you're invited."

"I have no other plans tonight, so I suppose I can come to this party of yours." Despite my cold demeanor, I was brutally honest, so when I say something, I meant it.

"Great, just a quick warning, I have two new roommates, both of whom are rather...interesting." Kobayashi warned me as the elevator reached our floor, and the two of us made our way to our respective desks.

My seat was far away from everyone, in the corner of the office floor where the AC was, a great spot for summer, but a horrible spot in winter. No one really sat next to me, only adding to the coldness of the spot, not like I cared. No one really hated me here, nor do I hate anyone here, I just radiate an aura demanding solitude for some reason. Kobayashi even compared me to a goddess in manga, Komi-San. I think her name was. Constantly radiating an aura of superiority, when in reality, I'm just your average guy. Plus my lack of friendships may only work to solidify the similarities.

Only difference is I'm not cute.

Not that I cared, I was lonely at work, I was here to work and nothing more. Due to my workaholic personality, people tend not to interact with me, or maybe it's more I'm just too cold to people. Either way, the solitude in this workplace never really bothered me, in fact, I'm fairly certain Kobayashi is only polite to me out of pity. Does my social life even exist? Most certainly not, not that it matters, I'm a busy man anyways. I was typing away on the computer for hours on end, but out of nowhere, I looked out the window next to me. I saw a high school gyaru girl go into an alley, followed shortly after by a boy who was around the same age.

I suppose I should show you what I do.

I took out a book of mine from my pocket, the book was a sleek black color and only had the words 'Alexandria Eternal' written in old English font on the front. This book's name was actually Minerva, but it's property of Alexandria Eternal, so that's why the name was there. My first job when it comes to scenarios is to read what the situation is so I don't intervene on a misunderstanding.

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