Chapter 4: It's Only the Fourth Chapter Why is There a Beach Chapter?

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(Your POV)
"Shota, don't you have friends or something you can attend the beach with instead of me?"

"My parents were both busy with meetings, so I was kind of forced to come here with you and your girlfriend."


"But you two live with each other!"

"Correction, we only live with each other."

Shota and I were relaxing on the beach, underneath an umbrella. I was given a day off by my boss, aka Shota's father, to escort the kid to the beach. Luckily, I wasn't alone with this kid, Kobayashi, Tohru, Kanna, Kanna's friend from school who's name I don't care about, and Lucoa joined us. Fafnir and Takiya wanted to stay in and play video games, so that's what they did. Bad news though, Lucoa came. I'm honestly concerned as to whether or not we can possibly find a swimsuit that even fits her physique. Plus her chest size...I swear they have their own gravitational pull. I was most stressed for Shota's innocence.

"Hey (Y/N), Shota." Kobayashi walked up behind me wearing a swimsuit, luckily, she was quite possibly the only person here with a normal body. "The others are still changing."

"Please tell me Lucoa has something modest." I wasn't there when Lucoa got the swimsuit, so it could be anything at this point.

"Not sure what she got, she said you'll like it though." Kobayashi informed me before taking a seat next to me. "Let me guess, worried she's going to pull something stupid? Why not use that magic book or something?"

"I left it at home." I answered flatly as I applied sunblock to my arms. "Hey Shota, have you put on sunblock yet? I don't wish for you to get a burn."

"Oh, thank you." Shota thanked me as I handed him the sunblock. "I'll be sure to save some for you and your girlfriend."

"For the last time, Shota," I took a breath in and mentally screamed. "Lucoa. Is. Not. My. Girlfriend."

"I bet you wish she was though." Kobayashi smirked, and I shot her a glare in response. "Watch out Shota, the Ice King is angry."

"Kobayashi!" Tohru tackled the red haired girl into a hug, causing Kobayashi's head to rest in Tohru's chest. "So what do you want to do? Do you want to go swimming? Maybe smash a watermelon? Oh! If you're hungry, you can have my tail!"

"Ocean!" Kanna emerged from behind Tohru, excitedly holding a plastic red shovel and a plastic blue bucket.

"Hey Kanna, let's go build sandcastles over there!" Kanna's brown haired friend pointed at a spot in front of us, and the two girls went to go build sandcastles.

"Stay where we can see you two!" I shouted at the two like a concerned parent. While I took out a book from my bag to start reading. Not Minerva mind you, just a copy of The Tempest by William Shakespeare.

"Oh hey, (Y/N) is like a dad, just like you said!" Tohru smiled, and you felt as though a blood vessel was about to burst from your head.

"Shut it." I said to the two girls before two orbs pressed themselves against my back. "Oh hey Luco-AH?!"

I turned my head around to look at Lucoa, only to see she was wearing a black, revealing swimsuit. The swimsuit itself was literally just some black straps that only covered the important bits, everything else was on full display. I sighed and closed my book with a thunderous thud.

"Lucoa, what on Earth are you wearing?" I tried keeping my cool, but my face was most likely crimson red and I was sweating profusely.

"A swimsuit, do you like it?" I don't think Lucoa was intentionally trying to seduce me, I think she was one of those 'touchy feely' people who have no sense of personal space. A kind of person I'm weak against.

The Bookworm and the Goddess (Male Reader x Lucoa)Where stories live. Discover now