Chapter 3: Kanna Wants to Go to School

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(Your POV)
"Why are we here?"

"We're just visiting."

"This is home intrusion."

Lucoa and I were having a conversation, while she and I were sitting on a couch, but not our couch, Kobayashi's couch. The only person at Kobayashi's house was Tohru, and she was making tea for us since she's going all out in the maid profession. I was curious as to where Kobayashi and Kanna were, so I asked a Tohru about their whereabouts, and Tohru explained that they were going out shopping. "So what brings you two here?" Tohru asked while placing a tea tray in front of us, complete with traditional tea cups and a teapot. "You two just teleported in here sometime after Kobayashi left."

"(Y/N) here now has the day off, and we're looking for something to do." Lucoa answered while Tohru sat on the couch across from us. "I would have suggested we watch a movie or something, but (Y/N) can't seem to sit still long enough. In fact, his fingers usually start moving on their own like they are right now."

"This is a natural reflex, I have no control over it." I looked at my hands, it was like they were typing on an invisible computer, and Lucoa had to grab my hands in order to make them stop. "Thank you."

"So that's why I brought him along with me so we can chat, and/or help you with Kobayashi." Lucoa blurted out, and I never heard of helping Tohru with Kobayashi. "Besides, (Y/N) has a magic book that could help us."

"It's name is Minerva, and it's a respectable tool that's only to be used for the most important of scenarios." I crossed my arms and huffed, but Lucoa apparently rolled her eyes at me, or at least I think so, it was hard to tell.

"I don't want to hear that from the same guy who used it this morning to figure out what my favorite breakfast food was." Lucoa appears to have noticed that detail.

"Well I wanted to ensure you were having a nice stay, that is all." I defended myself, and I noticed Tohru also looked to be enjoying the conversation between us, and was even taking notes. "Also, of all things, raw chocolate is not a good breakfast food. Too much is bad for you."

"But it's good!" Lucoa justified in a slightly pouty manner, and I'm going to guess here and say that all that chocolate just goes to her chest.

"I'm glad to see you two are getting along so well." Tohru commented, and I responded by facing away from Lucoa and crossing my arms. "Are you two going out?"

"Not yet~"

"Preposterous." I suddenly noticed what Lucoa said and glared at her with a massive blush on my face.

"Anyhow, let's back on the subject of you and Kobayashi." Lucoa reached into my shirt pocket and pulled out Minerva, then she opened it to Kobayashi's page. "Good news is that she appears to still be confused as to why you're here, and if you're still trustworthy."

"Lucoa, you're reading the part where they're first introduced." I grabbed my book back just as Tohru began to look a tad bit depressed. "At present, Kobayashi is still trying to process all this, warlocks and dragons and all that, but she's adapting pretty quickly to it all. She's even agreed to become a kind of parent figure for Kanna."

"That's great, but I'm curious about my relationship with her." Tohru corrected, and I flipped the pages a bit to learn more.

"She's still trying to process her own feelings." I explained, and Tohru looked surprised. "To people like her, the office worker types, love takes time to process and understand. She wants to understand if she's genuinely in love with you or if this is just a small crush."

"So you're saying there's a chance this hasn't just been one sided this whole time?" Tohru asked with stars shimmering in her eyes, and I closed my book before nodding.

The Bookworm and the Goddess (Male Reader x Lucoa)Where stories live. Discover now