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I hope you will like it please vote and comment ideas and shit anyways have a good mother fuckin' day rockstar🖤🖤❤️❤️

Sway and Hype(including you from the sway) went to the famous sandle ranch to eat dinner.(pretend sways nd hype have no beef like chase and josh or Bruce and shit).we were all at the tables when flecher came over to us.


F-hii y/n
F-how are you and Jaden
Y-uhm were good ( y'all aren't dating)
J-yea were good
F-yea anything new about you 2?
Y-*chuckles*no we're still just bestfriends
Jaden -yea...yet he whispered the last part but I still heard it
F-come on we know there has to be something else between you 2
Y-uhm no I'm sorry
F-well y/n I see there is someone that could possibly be simpin over you he said pointing to a nice y'all brown eyes and hair that was practically drooling over me e looked like he could be like in his 17-18(you're 16 and jadens 17 btw and everyone else is 16-17 apart Bruce and Thomas that are 21)
Y-*chuckles* yea maybe he is he looks kinda nice too anyways
I looked at Jaden and he was real mad
J-yea I would like if you could leave please he said to fletcher but he continued
F-so y/n do you think there could be something with you and that guy
Y-wooo there I don't know him
J-could you please leave now
He said in a mad and stern voice to fletcher and he just left
I looked over at that guy and checked him out and Jaden noticed
J-helloooo he said waving his hand in my ace
Y-uh yea yea sorry I said zoning off
J-where you looking at the boy??!!
Y-no-o I mean maybe
J-do you like him he said fast and in a funny way that showed that he was jealous
Y-no I laughed
J-what's funny
Y-you're jealous
By now everyone was looking at us
J-n-no I'm not
Y-sure if you say so then I mean I guess I could do this
I got up and went to the boy

Tb:the boy

Tb-hi he said smiling dang he cute
Just when I was about to say something I felt like I was beingg picked up and of course it was Jaden and he put me on his shoulders

J-were going home he said really real mad
I just sighed and waved bye to our friends and they waved back

In the car

I started laughing
Y-your jealous
J-you know what I am and I AM going to show you that I'm greater than that other douche bag
I chuckled and whispered under my breath
Y-as if
J-what was that
J-yea I'll show you in better trust me he said smirking and putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing it.

Skip at home (Sway but everyone was at dinner)
Jaden quickly got out of te car and went to my side, picked me up and ran in his room with my on his shoulders.
J-let's see who's better now huh
I gulped and he chuckled
J-the cat got ya tongue huh
I don't say anything so he comes closer to me
J-let's get this started princess😏
We start kissing which leads to a intense make out in seconds
I jumped from the wall
( I hope you understand what I am and not that you think that ur a type of spider)
he catched me and put me on the bed on my back with him on top.
He started to take off my shirt and looked at me at the same time but then he looked at my chest and his eyes went wide open so I stated to cover myself
J-don't. Your the most beautiful girl ever 🥺
I smiled and let go of my stomach and he then took off my pants so I was in my lingerie set.
Y-heyyy why am I almost naked and your still in your clothes
He came to my ear and said in the most sexiest voice EVER
J-take them off for me
I giggle and unbuttoned his shirt and took off his ... Grey sweatpants 😏 so he was in his boxer only
J-I think you forgot one princess
I chuckled thinking that he was going to take them off himself but then e looked at me and I then understood that he wanted me to take them off for him so I did and let me tell you this HE IS PACKING😳😏😏
He catches me staring and said
J-staring much😏
Y-shut up *giggles*
I then started kissing his neck leaving marks ...then he groaned and I went to his stomach and then I was at his dick .
I stated teasing him by licking he tip
and he kept groaning
J-fuck stop teasing
I then immediately started sucking his dick and he moaned really loud
J-f-fuck your so good
I continued sucking his off
J-look at me princess
I looked at him and smirked as I went faster
J-your mouth is sooo fuuckinng amazing
He said as he came
He then went on top off and I clipped my bra kissing me at the same time.
He kissed my neck and stated leaving hickeys and leaving some on my chest. He then went further down and took off my panties and started teasing just like I did and he kept kissing my clit.
Y-fuck please do something jaden
J-not my name
Y-daddy please
He smirked and started licking and sucking my clit and he was fast and it felt awesome. I kept moaning
Y-fas-faster daddyyyyy
He went faster and I had to cum
Y-I have to cuuummm baabyyyy
He stopped and looked at me as I whine but I didn't have the chance to say something that he went inside me fast
He smirked and went even faster
J-fu-fuck your sooo tightttt
He continued going in and out for a good 30 minutes before o had to cum
Y-fuuuckk daddy I have to cuuummm
He stoped his mouvements AGAIN and before I had the chance to scream at him he inserts me from behind
J-punishment babygirl
J-you flirting with that guy he said as he kept groaning
After a few more screams from me and pleasant moans and grunts from Jaden it started to feel good.
Y-fuuckk daddyyy fasterr
He looked shocked that I enjoyed it but still went faster
J-fuuck im gonna cuuummmm
Y-cumm innn meeee
He moaned loud as he came and it made me cum too
J-fuck that was ducking awesome
We cuddled and went to sleep naked together

1215 words

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