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RAIL ME AGAIN BITCH-😩🔫😏😈⚠️👅🔞⚠️😫😏😳😌👅👅👅👅
(Sorry for my actions and words I'm not trying to sexualise him in any way I just find that funny not meaning for it to mean weird shit )

I was walking to my locker with my best friend Nailea( MY BAEEEEEEEEEEE😫🤍✨)
talking about nonsense like always when suddenly we heard shouting coming from the principal's office. Me being the snoosy bitch I am I had to go check what was happening and I saw our principal screaming at Mr. Hossler I think I heard him say that he likes one of his student and keeps checking her out in class and then Mr. Hossler came out of the office and while he opened the door I was leaning to it so I fell but he caught me before I fell
Y-thank you
Mh(mr hossler)
Mh-no problem I gotta go sorry
Y-but wait we have history class with you first period don't we ?
At this point, all the students were in class so we were the only ones in the hallway
Mh-yea well the principal just fired me so yea
He chuckles nervously
Y-oh I'm sorry but it's ok there's plenty other jobs you could try at
Mh-yea probably
He seemed sad tho..? Maybe I can cheer him up a little
Y-hey let's go you're not gonna stay looking like a sad puppy we're gonna go have fun
Mh-what*laughs shouldn't you be in class and aren't you like 17?
Y-who gives a fuck and you're just 21 sooo
He slightly laughs and we get out of the school
Y-ok so do you want to take your car or mine?
Mh-well take mine
We got in the car and he still looked adorably cute ass sad
Y-why are you so sad about losing this job? I mean it's just teaching
Mh-I loves this job. I love teaching history and most importantly I- nvrm
Y-nah-ah tell me
Mh-Jesus Christ I find you very attractive and I mean with this job I got to see every day even when you didn't have my class in the hallways and you're just so cute and funny and you have a great personality and-
I cut him off by kissing him
Y-i find you very cute and hot and you seem like fun* I smirk
Mh-oh do I?
Y-hell yea
Mh-well shall I show you?
Y-you may do
He smiled GOD his smile is adorable and kissed me softly before starting to heavily making out with me
We didn't leave so we still were in the parking lot of the school but further away so like they couldn't see us yk now😏
He backed up his seat making more space so I slowly got on my knees teasing him making him groan
I took off his belt and then his pants and started palming through this boxers
Mh-fu-fuck don't tease me bitch
He slapped me and I moaned
He smirked and said
Mh-you like it huh dirty slut. *he slapped me again making me make another noise* my dirty slut.
I took off his boxers and started sucking slowly but before he had time to say anything I took him all in my mouth making me gag and he immediately put his hands on my head and started slowly pushing my head not to hurt me
Mh-fuck babe you kno-know what you're doing- shitttt
I started going faster and he was leaving little low grunts making me go CraZyYyYyy so I started playing with his balls( I- EWW )
Mh-fuck I'm- I'm close go faster for me baby
I went even faster(jeez how fast can she go?!)
Mh-oh shit
He said as he came deep down my throat and I swallowed looking him the eyes
Mh-get in the back you sexy ass
I went in the backseat and he did too.
Mr Hossler looked at me deeply in the eyes looking hotter than the mothefucking sun and said
Mh-Ride Me
In the HOTTEST fucking voice I've ever heard
I giggled and went on his lap grinding a bit making him grunt and slap my ass. I took his dick with my hands after a bit and tried to slide him in me but he was wayyy to big and I think he got the hint that I couldn't do it so he grabbed my waist
Mh-you can do it kitten. I know you can
I- that gave me confidence so I just let misled slide down and moaned super loud when his top hit a spot( wtf they didn't even start and already-?)
Mh-shit you're wet
He moaned
Y-Ja-Jaden fuck you're big
He smirks
Mh-what's wrong kitten? Can't handle me princess
He grabbed my hips before o could say anything and started making me go let me say very more fast than we were going before
Y-FUVK Jaden yeeessss right there
Mh-right here doll?
He said in a teasingly voice and thrusted from bellow me making me go over the edge
Y-I'm gon-gonna cuummm
Mh-say my name.
He went faster
Y-AHH mr. hossler?
Mh-princess, don't play games
He did it again and he hit that spot
Mh-that's right fuck I'm gonna cum too. Where do you want it?
Y-in me
I looked at him with innocent eyes and that made him cum on spot
Y-holy fuck that was..

Hope y'all liked this😏 if you did don't forget to vote and leave requests if you want to but anyways I LOVE YALLALLALALA
my dm's are always open.
Have a nice day🤍🤍🤍
980 words

Jaden Hossler SmutsWhere stories live. Discover now