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Seej [09:06]

"What can I do to cheer you up?"

LM Crab [09:12]
"I'm fine, CJ, you've done enough anyway."

Seej [09:13]
"I'm not satisfied with that answer, Sebby =)"

LM Crab [09:23]
"What do you want me to say though?"

Seej [09:25]
"I want you to friggin talk to me about your feelings. I know I screwed up and I'm sorry for that, you know that."

LM Crab [09:30]
"Yeah exactly. You apologized so there's nothing else to say"

Seej [09:32]

"But I wanna make you feel better! I'll buy you fruit."

LM Crab [09:39]

Seej [09:43]
"Yeah fruit always seems to lift your mood. Mango?"

LM Crab [09:50]

Seej [09:52]
"Man, I wanted to go buy you a mango so that I can make puns."

LM Crab [09:56]
"No lame puns for today please."

Seej [09:56]
"Aight aight"

LM Crab [09:56]

Seej [09:58

"Hey Seb?"

LM Crab [09:59]

Seej [10:00]

"We make a lovely pear :3"

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"We make a lovely pear :3"


Hi there. If you've stuck around up until here, I thank you for reading this first little chapter of this book.

First things first, I want to clarify that this book is not going to be in the same format as this first part. This was just a small piece of background info on where the title fits into the story.

Secondly, this book includes a main character whose parent had ... passed away but not to worry, it's not mentioned very often. However if you would like to steer clear of topics like that then feel free to not read this book! It's completely understandable.

Thirdly this book is mostly just for fun and I used it as a way to take a breather from all the hectic things happening in the world right now. So it's a bit more lighthearted. The lead character Sebastian does tend to think about some deeper topics like where his life is headed but I'm pretty sure everyone overthinks about things like that at least some time so it's not too harmful.

Finally, I hope you enjoy this story and the characters! The first few chapters may be a bit slow but don't worry, things will pick up in due time :3 also sorry if the formatting of this chapter is off, I wrote it on my phone and it's not cooperating very well.

First chapter will be up in no time :)

Author L

A Lovely PearWhere stories live. Discover now