mom and daddy aren't in love :) 1/?

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Art by: shine on Twitter (I think)

Info:tommy is 10-13 in this.he is a racoon hybrid meaning he has ears and a tail.

Tommy's pov:
Mum and dad are arguing agian *no they aren't.they are just talking.your over reacting*
Well I guess your right.i just wish they wouldn't do this at supper time. I lost my appetite after dad hit mom.
I quietly washed my dish off and put it away.i walked over to my room just before I started hearing mom saying something I think it was about me..*it's fine tommy don't listen to them* I just looked at my clock 7:30? Had I spaced out? It doesn't matter. I should just watch YouTube. I reached for my phone(if you could even call it that) before remembering that my dad had taken it away and smashed it.all because I forgot to put something away I dont even remember what it was. *What a prick why would he do that* I sighed before drifting off to sleep.

I was walking in a house I didn't know who's house it was.but I was comforting it felt like I was being hugged at first.then I heard somebody talking..again about me.(the house no longer felt comfortable. It now felt like I was outside in the cold without my jacket)
Wait I know who they are!it was my dad we was saying multiple things about how bad of a child I am(wait this isn't a dream? It's a memory) I walked around them as and whent outside.befor hearing a crash from inside the house.

I woke up with sweat on my forehead.i looked back at the clock 9:00 I had only slept for an hour and a half (sorry if my math is wrong I'm dumb)

So.. what had woken me up? I heard shuffling from the kitchen (he has very good hearing bc..racoon :D)
I opened the door slowly..fearing what might be beond it. I looked out and could only make my mom out from the darkness and.. something on the floor..I walked out and called for my mother as I know she would never hurt me. I turned on the kitchen light to only see my mum standing over my dad's lifeless corpse."tommy!" My mother said whisper yelling."moma?"
I suddenly heard sirens in the distance.i took a step back from my mother (also a racoon) my mom reached out to me then realized that sirens could only mean.. police!. She tried to grab my hand and make a run for it.but I pulled away.i ran into my room and locked the door."tommy!" My mom called out.i ignored her and packed up some stuff

*Blood?*.         *Run*
                                   *Dad gone?*

*RUN!* I  got out of the house through the window just as I saw cop cars pull up I ran towards the woods and kept running I thought I could still hear my mom yelling for me
    *Dad dead? Pog*

*Good mom*   
       *Not safe*

I wish they would shut up for once.they aren't usually this loud.i don't even know who they are? Why are they speaking to me? Wait.. whare am I !? I started to panick only then realizeing how out of breath I was I took a break and sat down against a tree.what time is it? I don't wear watches and I don't have a phone..I looked at the sky.the moon is almost in the middle of the sky so it like...11am?

   *Yes 11*. I had been running for a while I grabbed a bottle of water out of my bag and drank it like it was the only thing keeping me alive. I wish I had brought more...thares no food Sense I'm barely let to have was the only reason I was alive.oh yeah mom killed him? What would she have done to me if she cought me...?
-cough- I should get rest here.. I quickly dozed off.
No dream tonight.

I woke the next day hungry..I wish I would have eaton something Earlyer ...


But fair

I'll just drink more water..
I reached in my bag for the water..thare was only a little left..I'll save it just in case..

I begin walking forward.
I hadn't been out here much. Father always wanted me to be in earshot so if he needed something I could help him.

What a prick. Half the time he doesn't even say my name right! It eather being "Timmy or child or brat"any other insult you could come up with... My foot hit something.and I face planted into..? Pavement?I quickly sat up and was met my a decent looking neighborhood and a road that had a couple small stores a bakery, library and a convenient store.i could go through their trash..!

What other ideas you have?
I drank the last it of water realizing how dry my throat was my stomach grumbled wanting real food.

End of part one.

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