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Outside the confines of your bathroom, a delicious scent wafted through the air. Down in the kitchen, you found Jungkook carefully placing a perfectly fried egg on a plate with bacon and sausage.

“What is all this?” You asked, watching as he put the food down on the table with a glass of milk.

“W-Well…you don’t have much in your fridge, so I decided to make you some breakfast for dinner!” He exclaimed, giving a little hop in joy. “Come on!”

He held out his hand for you to take, which when you did, you allowed him to lead you to the chair.

“You eat while I go clean the sheets,” He ordered before disappearing once again, not even sparing a glance.

You stood up, walking into the kitchen to collect your phone, which you left on the table while you had set up Jungkook. Once you were sitting in front of the food again, you unlocked your phone to bring up you text thread with Haeun.

To: Haeun [7:23pm]
does you Hot Bot provide like…aftercare?

From: Haeun [7:23pm]
what? Of course not!

To: Haeun [7:24pm]
Jungkook seems to be…he fixed a bath, made food, and he’s changing the sheets now…

From: Haeun [7:24pm]
No way! That’s awesome. It’s probably a new feature for the new models. Maybe I should invest in a BTS900…

Realizing she would be no help, you locked your phone and began to eat, dipping the sausage in the egg yolk. It was actually deliciously made. You were shocked. How did a robot know how to make food this well?

Just as you finished up the food Jungkook had made, he came back into the kitchen with an armful of sheets.

“Where’s your washer?” He asked, large doe-like eyes gazing at you from over the mound in his arms.

“Um…in through that door,” You gestured to a door that was located on the other side of the kitchen. He nodded and bounded in, disappearing for a good few moments. In that time, you placed your dirty dishes in your sink just as he comes back out with a grin, looking almost proud.

“Thank you for the food,” You said, smiling softly at him, which he returned with a smile of his own and a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. “I’m going to go to sleep.”

“Alright, have a nice rest!” He exclaimed, making you pause.

“Um…what will you…”

“I don’t require sleep, but I can go into rest mode until you wake up in the morning,” He replied, as if reading your mind.

With a soft parting of goodnight, you headed off to bed, leaving Jungkook sitting on the couch by himself.

It was around 4 in the morning when you were woken by a voice coming from the living room. You were still drowsy, not having woken up completely as you got out of bed, stumbling a little bit over the rug before making your way into the living room. When you entered, you were shocked to see Jungkook on his knees in front of the TV, eyes wide as he watched.

“Jungkook?” You muttered, grabbing his attention.

“Oh! _____, what are you doing up?” He asked, offering you a little smile.

“Were you talking?” You asked, taking a seat on the couch as you sleep-filled mind couldn’t hold your legs up anymore.

“O-Oh…” He looked sheepish, glancing back at the TV. “th-they’re playing something called Jeopardy…someone got the answer wrong…”

“Oh…” For some reason, you were shocked at his words.

Jungkook, a robot, was up at 4 in the morning yelling at the TV because they were playing Jeopardy. It was strangely…human.

“What do you think of the show?” You asked, pulling a blanket off the back of the couch into your lap as you curled up.

“Hmm,” He cocked his head to the side, staring at the screen. “I’m much smarter than any of these people. But this man here…Charlie…he’s giving me a run for my money!”

“Well not everyone is connected to the internet via their brain, Jungkook,” You chuckled, watching his shoulders sag at your words.

“Earlier there was a cool show on, it was called Naruto!” He exclaimed, turning around to face you against with excitement akin to that of a child expressed on his face. “It was awesome! They were throwing fireballs and making water clones!”

“You like anime?” You asked, feeling your eyes begin to droop.

“Yeah it’s awesome!” He said, softer this time as he noticed you had begun to doze off once again.

Although you didn’t see it, he smiled and mouthed a soft ‘goodnight’ before turning his attention back to the TV to let you sleep in peace, this time making sure not to yell at the contestants on TV.

“_____!” Jungkook exclaimed, running into your bedroom with a huge grin on his face. You jumped, turning away from your laptop to look at him. “It arrived!”

You smiled, shutting your laptop before crawling out of bed. Jungkook was practically vibrating with excitement as he grabbed your arm, yanking you down the hallway. You giggled, letting him manhandle you onto the couch as he knelt beside a big box on the floor.

“Can I open it?” He asked, hands hovering over the box just waiting for your approval. When you gave him a nod, he hissed a loud ‘YES!’ before ripping into the box.

It was almost as if you were watching a child open Christmas presents on Christmas morning. It had been a week since Jungkook had come into your life, and every day you become more and more interested in him. He wasn’t at all what you expected. He was so…normal.

“This is so awesome!” He cried, pulling out everything from inside the cardboard box. “Naruto complete boxset AND Bleach?”

“I wasn’t sure if you’d like Bleach, but I figured it was probably something you’d be into,” You explained the purchase, smiling at the child-like wonder on his face.

“Can we watch it today?” He asked, standing up with the boxsets juggled in his hands.

“I’ve got some work to do, but you’re more than welcome to sit and watch it all you want,” You stood, watching as Jungkook rushed over to the DVD player to plug it in. You began to walk towards your room but a gentle hand on your arm stopped you. “What is it, Jungkook?”

He stared down at you, brows furrowed. When you cocked your head to the side, he seemed to snap out of it, shocking you as you were suddenly enveloped in a hug.

“Thank you, _____,” He whispered, pulling away to place a gentle kiss against your lips.

As you returned the kiss, he sighed, gently pulling you closer to his body. His hands were soft, cupping your cheek as he pressed his lips more against yours. After a moment, he pulled away, giving a gentle smile to you.

“Go get some work on,”

As if in a daze, you nodded and returned to your room.

Once you were sat in front of your laptop again, you opened a Google search.

Hot Bot robots acting strange?

Your heart pounded in your ears as the first result showed up.


Vote for next part 😘❤️

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