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For BraveryMarks.

Prompt #2: Where Harry and Louis once dated. Now Harry is dating Zayn and Louis is dating Liam, but they can't seem to part from each other. It's mutual, they've discussed it.

Word Count: 3864 (sorry that it's so short...)

Hey guys, so this is my story for the Winger Fic Exchange. The prompt I got made me really excited and I had a ton of fun writing this. To whoever gave it to me, damn, I loved it, and I hope that I justified whatever you pictured in your mind. Happy reading!! :)




"I-Uh... What're you doing here?"

"I'm hunting elephants Harold, the hell do you think I'm doing?"

"Not in the grocery store you idiot. New York."

"I didn't realize that I couldn't come to this fucking city, Styles."

"Stop putting words in my mouth Louis. I simply meant that last I heard about you, you were in LA doing some movie."

"Oh... Well, I did the movie and some other stuff, but LA wasn't my thing. Neither was Vegas or Boston or Toronto for a brief five week stint up in Canada and-Wait, why am I telling you all of this? You probably don't even wanna hear it..."

"No, it's alright Louis, it sounds... Interesting. How, uh, how many places have you lived in the past six years since I've seen you?"

"About... Seven maybe? Normalcy isn't really my thing."

"Yeah, I know, sorta noticed from the three years we spent together."

"Right, yeah... So, what about you? You kept to NYC?"

"Yeah, started my own cafe, Bean and Gone cause of the pla-"

Louis laughed, "Yeah yeah H, I get it. Clever too, best joke, or what I guess you can count as a joke, you ever made."

"Thanks I think. And my jokes have gotten so much better, thank-you very much, while you decided to go all Columbus or something. Here, I'll tell you one now."

"Harry, no i-"

"Knock knock."

Louis tried to fight off a grin, "Fine. Who's there?"

"Little old lady."

"Jesus. Ok, little old lady who?"

"I didn't know you could yodel Lou!"

There was a long pause where the two just stared at one another, before Louis started laughing, Harry soon following.

"Nope Harry, still awful as always, but my turn, my turn. Knock knock."

"Fine, who's there, but knock knock jokes are my thing for your information."

"Whatever. And corny joke."

"Corny joke who...?"

"Harry Styles."

"That wasn't fun-"

"Stop lying you! I see your smirk!"

"Damn, I was so close."

"No baby, no you really weren't."

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