swear it will never happen again

262 8 4

For tochange_alife

Prompt #1: Hula dancer Louis (Harry and maybe a friend of his - one of the boys comes with him- go on a trip to hawaii and Harry is taken by one of the hula dancers with blue eyes)


Harry wakes up Tuesday morning with a headache and a Niall Horan poking his cheek.

So it's no different from any other day that Harry plans to spend eating junk food in just his pants and disheveled hair, but Niall comes in and ruins it all. Typical.

"Get up, you wanker," Niall says, and Harry weakly groans in response. "I have a surprise for you."

And then he's patting Harry's cheek as he leaves the room, shouting one last warning to get out of bed before he gets the water hose.

Right. It's one of those days, when Niall is way too energetic for Harry to handle, practically bouncing off the walls and yelling at Harry for no particular reason. Plus, he has a surprise, whatever that means. You can never tell with a man-child like him.

Harry buries his face further into his pillows and groans some more, definitely not looking forward to getting out of the warmth and comfort that is his bed. Come five minutes later and he's doing just that, stretching his tired limbs and sighing in relief after the fact. He brushes his teeth and all that, making an attempt at taming his hair but giving up when it turns out to just not be manageable today.

Niall is sitting on Harry's couch when he finally comes out of his room, just wearing some sweats that hang low on his hips and a grey t shirt, and the blond lad has his hands folded in his lap and there are papers that weren't there the night before sitting on his coffee table. How the hell did he even get in here, Harry wonders, but then he remembers. Niall made his own key for Harry's flat a while ago, and ever since then, he's constantly breaking in and scaring the living daylights out of him. Fun times, some might say. Shit days, Harry argues.

"'Bout time," Niall huffs, sitting up straighter and patting the space next to him for Harry to sit.

But instead of doing that, he goes into his small kitchen and puts a kettle on the stove and pulls down some white peach tea, his favorite.

"So, you were saying?" he says when he walks back into the living room, making sure to keep his ears open for the whistle of the kettle.

Niall clears his throat, shifting on the couch so that he's fully facing Harry. This can't be good.

"How's Uni?" he asks, and there's actual seriousness in his voice that has Harry start to worry.

Harry eyes him suspiciously. "Good...my work is all in at the moment, if that's what you're asking about." He pauses to glance back at the kitchen. "Um, is there a point to this? Waking me up and talking to me about how my classes are going?"

Niall sighs again. Harry's just confused at this point.

"I'm just going to dive right in here, um... I think you're working yourself too hard, Haz. And I'm concerned, okay. I am. I know you say you're fine, that you're handling all your classes well and the internship, but I don't think you are. I can feel the stress radiating off of you. Second point is, you need a break. Just for a few weeks, maybe more. Now, I've already called your work and made arrangements- "

"You fucking went behind my back!?" Harry seethes, standing up and storming off into the kitchen.

He knows he's being a diva right now. There's really no way around that. It's a part of who he is, being a drama queen, that is, and he knows Niall is only trying to help and is honestly doing something good here, but Harry. Well, he just feels betrayed, for some reason. He doesn't even know what Niall made arrangements for, is the thing. Oh well, he decides, there's nothing left to lose.

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