First Meet

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TW - Bullying, mentions nightmares

Dream's POV

School is a scary thing sometimes. You have the assholes and then you have the nicer people. I've had encounters with both, good and bad.

Crossroads Eastern high school is an overall good school and is fun to study at. I have at least one friend there and I'm ready to pursue what I've been trying to study: coding.

Oh, by the way, my name is Dream. I'm 17, a senior at the previously mentioned school. My best friend, Sapnap, is on the popular side of the school. He is on the football team (American football lol), but he is very nice to me.

~                 ~

Dream's POV

My day is always repetitive when it comes to school. It's the first day of my senior year here. I crawl out of bed to head to my conjoined bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, stripped off my clothes, ignored my reflection in the mirror, and stepping into the shower that I had turned on. It was cold but felt nice. My body was sweating from the nightmare I had just minutes before, so it cooled me off.

Deeming myself clean enough and awake, I turned the water off, stepping out of the shower. I grabbed my towel, dried off, wrapped it around my waist, and made my way to my room to get ready for school and eat breakfast.

~ Time Skip ~

Dream's POV

The front of the school building was just how I remembered it. There were no renovations this summer, so that's a plus. I sat down on one of the benches outside of the school to wait for Sapnap. Someone who looked like a senior walked over to me and snatched the book I was reading out of my hands.

"Hey! I was reading that!" I said, standing to try and get it back. He just laughed, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it. "Find something better to do in your free time you faceless freak," he sneered, slapping me in the face. He walked away into the building, leaving me standing there, holding my burning cheek.

I bent down to pick up my book when a shorter male appeared in front of me, handing me my book. "Is this yours?" he asked. I nodded, a faint blush appearing by my mask. I took it from him, returning to my bench to wait for Sapnap.

(Quick A/N, Dream doesn't show the bottom half of his face to a lot of people. He is the only one in the school with a mask on. Covid doesn't exist here, but the mask he is wearing is like a Covid mask with his signature smiley face on it.)

The boy sat down beside me, and I was a little confused. "Have you stayed to make fun of me, too?" I asked. "Of course not! My name is George, by the way." He responded. "Mhm. Dream," I mumbled. He nodded and I returned to reading.

I was interrupted by Sa-nap scaring the shit out of me. "Dream!" he yelled from right behind me. "Sapnap!" George and I said at the same time. Wait, George just said Sapnap's name? How does Sapnap know George but I didn't until now?

We both looked at each other and Sapnap laughed awkwardly. "Well, this is awkward...I'm guessing you two don't know each other?" Sapnap asked, scratching the back of his neck. "I do now but didn't until today," I explained. Sapnap nodded as they all stood up and walked into the building, hearing the first bell ring.


A/N: Well, look at that. I finally made a chapter. The chapters will be slow because of school and I'm grounded again so I have to be careful. This is the new chapter 1 because the other one was terrible. I think I won't title the chapters, but I'm not sure. I also might need a new title for the book itself. Check out my oneshots book, I'll upload some there as well! Remember to take care of yourselves, and my followers, and I love you! <3

Word Count: 600

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