The Mask

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TW - Mentions bullying and abuse, self-harm

Time - 11:40, end of second period

Dream's POV

My first period, math, was already over. I was constantly zoning out, thinking of that new person I'd met.

'He's honestly really nice, his laugh is adorable, he's kinda cute- Wait. Why was I thinking about him like that? I don't like him, do I..?'  

I shook myself out of my thoughts and felt that my cheeks were burning up. Thank goodness for my mask, or else that would've been hard to explain.

I tried focusing again on the class, but I ultimately failed. The only thing that knocked me out of my thoughts was the lunch bell that just went off. I quickly grabbed my things and made my way to my locker.

Sapnap was already standing there when I arrived. Thankfully he was there, so the bullies wouldn't show up to pick on me again. He waved to me and I walked up to him.

"Hey man, you alright? You seem a bit down today." Sapnap asked, giving me a hug. Also, did I mention that Sapnap had no idea I was getting bullied? I shrugged, pulling away from the hug. "I dunno, just got a lot of shit on my mind I guess," I responded. He seems to believe it because he smiled and began leading me to the library.

Sapnap and I always went to the library during lunch break. It's quiet and safe there, and we like it. 

I grabbed a random fantasy book off the shelf and went to check it out. It was "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini. Looks like it's in a series, I'll have to check out the other books later. (Btw, this series is amazing, I recommend reading it :P)

I walked up to the check-out and handed my book to the elderly lady behind the desk. She smiled at me and took the book, scanning it, and successfully checking it out.

Sapnap's POV

Dream seemed sad today, he isn't normally like that. I really hope he's okay, I'll talk with him later about it. I didn't believe his half-assed excuse of having a lot of shit on his mind. He thinks I don't know I get bulled, but I do.

I've tried many times to get those kids expelled for what they've done to Dream, but they always somehow get out of it. I remember the first time I was them beating the shit out of Dream. It was actually when I met George.

I would've helped Dream, but I was too busy trying to keep George out of it. Dream walked away with a broken nose and many bruises. He didn't show up for a week because of it.

Speaking of, the man himself just took his spot next to me on the beanbags. He opened his book and began to read. I smiled as he made a small giggle at something during the story. It's great to hear him be a little happier again.

~              ~

Time - 12:20, after lunch

Dream's POV

After lunch, I had the rest of the day off. I didn't feel too good, so I decided to walk home.

I stepped outside the school doors and pulled up the hood of my black, oversized hoodie. I looked around for any seniors as I neared the sidewalk. As soon as my foot hit the sidewalk, I bolted down it.

Teats started to escape my eyes as I thought back to what had happened this morning. I quickly wiped my eyes and slowed my pace as my house came into view. I took my keys out of my pocket and let myself into the house.

As usual, my parents were still at work and I was left at home by myself.

I pulled myself up the stairs and to my room, pulling my backpack and mask off, throwing them onto the bed. I then made a mistake. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My horrible, ugly self was staring right back at me with those dull, green eyes.

Self Harm Trigger Warning!! Skip if needed!!

I made a beeline straight for the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I grabbed a blade from the drawer and placed it on my skin. 

'C'mon you, coward, you deserve this. You have reasons. Go ahead, make a cut for every one of those reasons.'

I gave in to the voice and began to drag the blade across my skin multiple times. Thick, red blood oozed out of my arms as I scream at nothing. After about 15 were made, I set the blade down and wrapped bandages around my arms, still crying. I cleaned the blade off, setting it back in its hidden spot in the drawer.

I stepped out of the bathroom and flopped down on the bed. My phone then made a ding.

Unknown number

Hi Dream, it's George. Sapnap gave me your number.

Changed Contact's name to Gogy💙




A/N - Hello again. Have a new chapter. I have most of Chapter 3 done, I just hate it right now so I might scrap it and fix it. I love you all and so do my followers, and please take care of yourselves! <3

Word Count: 814

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