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Park Bogum one of the admire of Kim Taehyung. Sadly when all of them accept that they lost their chance to win that beauty so they forget about him ... Expect bogum , who didn't. He always has a rage over Jeon and Kim . He didn't know that Taehyung was the weakness of Kim's and jeon . So when he got that news that guy who he gets  shoot was no other than his long lost love Kim Taehyung .. he was so devastated to be honest. He tried to contact to Taehyung . Finding Taehyung phn number is like finding gold in ocean . After 7 month of his hard work he found tae's number . Month pass he create a good friendship with Taehyung. Some of his spy told him about jungkook and jimin . He thought it's a good chance to grain his lost love . So he gave tae hint. But tae believe jungkook too
much but jungkook's behavior was changing but tae still believe jungkook . That's time bogum decided to find more powerful proves. So he did everything .

(In I need you tae was afraid of his nd bogum friendship)

Continue from where bogum pat Taehyung back (trust )

"Bogum hyung what are you doing here?" Tae asked while trying to sound as normal as possible. Bogum just pull tae in a hug . Tae needs that . Tae bust out . He was crying his heart out . Bogum doesn't know for which reason tae was crying .. So he just assumed .

Bogum bought tae in his house . Tae was still sobbing . But he stop crying . Bogum told tae to take a shower . After taking a shower tae wear his favorite gucci hoodie with some sweatpants . Tae was in so sorrow for thinking why bogum has his size of colthes . Who gonna tell him bogum has a whole closets with tae's clothes .

Tae was sitting in living room .. he was holding his stomach while thinking what should he do . That's time bogum come "Tae , I know it's hard . But time will heal . " Tae looked at him with kinda shock . "How you know that?" Ofc Tae was confused ... He just found he is pregnant today there is no way bogum found that this fast . "Tae , I told you months ago. . but you believe him . " Now tae is kinda scared, but he still tried to find truth .. what can be more worse than this . But alas there has more "Oh .. umm Can still show me prove ?" Tae said with confidence. Bogum nods and went to step projector . Bogum was happy inside.

"I started to collect proves from 3 months ago. " Bogum said and sat next to tae. Tae just nods.

Projector start .. jungkook face saw up and tae's face got pale .

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