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Jungkook was back in his manson as he lost the feeling of home a while ago . Its just a shelter for him to stay . That's it . Jungkook was going to his room when he saw taejung in kitchen. Jungkook himself dont know how he went to kitchen ..

Jungkook was hiding behind kitchen wall and watching his son eating chocolate cake messily . He was happy with a real I mean real happiness was in his face .. untill he saw taejung about to eat a slice which have some nuts ..

Jungkook just hurriedly enter and stop taejung from eating ..

" What the fu-" taejung was cut by jungkook

" Are you still a kid ? You dont know how dangerous nut is for you? Did you eat any ? "

Jungkook was hoping a no but in return when he saw a nod .. jungkook was panicking clearly ..

" You are still same . Always going insane seeing chocolate .. dont even realize its have nuts or not . Also never carry your medicine .. bub .. you have allergies so always carry medicine ok .. not like I will everytime ok . Now drink this . I have yours medicine "

Jungkook gave medicine to taejung who was slowly getting red .. looks like allergy reaction just started . Taejung hurriedly take those medicine jungkook gave him .

Jungkook somehow managed to put taejung on his bed . He than ran to bring a bowl of water a soft cotton cloth so he can put the cloth on his head ..

Jungkook was relieved when taejung started to get normal it took him 2 hours . He is glad no one is there well jimin and his other son's were but they are not a problem.

Taejung was better now he found Jungkook still beside him he poke jungkook arm jungkook immediately came close to him .. so taejung can speak slowly ..

" How did you know all those ? I never told those to anyone "

Jungkook moved away like he got caught .. " I - I need to go and sleep . Ok "

Saying that jungkook hurriedly left the room. . he left a a boy with so many thoughts ...

" Why You felt so familiar ? "




A week later ...

" Nami eat this . You got so skinny baby" tae said as he put more beef in naoh's plate as he came a day ago. .

Taehyung doesn't have any problem with naoh as he was innocent .. what his mom dad did wasn't his fault ..

" Thanks taetae .. but why aren't you giving any to kookie ?" Naoh point out when he saw jungkook was just eating with egg and vegetables when all of the were eating meat .. taejung also noticed that but never question.

Taehyung dont know how to reply as jungkook also never clear him the reason too ..

" I promised to god if he gave me my most precious thing than I wont eat any meat .. as god gave it to me. . i never touch or eat meat. "

Jungkook couldn't help but let out a chuckle when he saw along with noah with sons nods like a kid ..

" Since when ?" Noah again asked .. jungkook knew noah is a full of question soul .. he will ask you questions until you are tried of answering ..

" 19 years ago " jungkook said with a smile ..

" Does it worth it? "

" Yes .. Its worth way more than anything could ever "

Taejung was really looking at jungkook with so many questions ..

" It's can't be for me right? "

" Jungkook , I want to talk with you for moment " jimin said . Jungkook nods as he was busy with files ..

" Yes ?" Jimin took a deep breath a throw a bomb ..

" Make yeonjun the new CEO "

Jungkook looked at jimin than again got busy with files .. " Its not funny jimin . "

" I am not joking . We always knew yeonjun is the heir .. so why you are so shock? Is it for taejung ? Jungkook he don't even call you dad . He hates you . Also he is capable of getting rich and be a ceo as he can manipulate like his mom .. tae and him just same .. also yeonjun love you and he is your blood " jimin rants ..

However Jungkook made his blood cold ..

" Is he my blood ? Are you sure ? " ..

" Hyung why you are crying ?" Taejung asked when he found noah making a pond with his tears .. " I saw them kissing . Its hurt like bitch .. I want him to kiss me not that guy .. he always snatch other people loves " noah said with sobbing .. " than what stopping you hyung ? Fight for him "

" We have 24 years gap jk . And he will never accept me . But all i want is him .. " Taejung come close to him .. " age is just a number .. stop crying like a idiot and if you really love that man .. than fucking fight for it . Than even if you lose than you can say atleast I tried not only cried . " Naoh wipes his tears ..
" You are right .. I will fight for it and win him by hook or crook .. when I will use his guilts work right. "

" Yes hyung get your man " Naoh nods ..

" Kai-sshi you are mine "

Taejung smirks .. knowing if kai some how fall for naoh than jimin will be alone again..


If someone have problem with my new chapter I will kindly request you to stop .. bcus when you guys say .. when it will end .. i feel like i did a very bad job in this story .. I hope I not being rude but its hurt to me at least .. i am kinda sensitive with my writing. . sorry If i seem rude .

Btw .. do you guys have problem nami and kai ??

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