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"Have fun, you two," John said with a knowing smirk on his face as the car pulled to a stop outside my block of flats.

George snapped, "shut it, Lennon." And he helped me out of the car. I smiled at him as I led the way to the door and Paul started the car again, driving off.

"I know it's not The Ritz," I said as I unlocked the door and led him up the stairs to my flat, which was on the top floor, "and probably nowhere near what you live in, but -"

"You should have seen the flat that the lads and I lived in back home," George replied as I opened the door to my flat and gestured for him to follow me inside. We came straight into the living room.

"This is the living room." There was a settee in it, a record player and some vinyl, a coffee table, a small TV that barely worked, a bookshelf and a phone on a table at the edge of the sofa.

George looked around. "This is... nice."

I sighed and led him into the kitchen. Why had I agreed to let him stay here again?

"The kitchen -"

"My favourite room." He grinned and went straight over to the fridge. "What's for dinner?" I laughed and grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the bedroom.

"My bedroom," I told him. "You'll take the bed tonight -"

"I'm not." He paused. "It's your house, you take the bed."

"I'll be fine on the sofa."

"You'll get a bad back." George retorted, "there's plenty of room in the bed."

"But you're my guest -"

"So you should do what I ask, right?" He smirked. "We can share the bed."

"There's not enough space -"

George laid down on top of the bedspread and moved his legs around like he was making a snow angel.

"Plenty of space." He reassured me. "Look," and he grabbed my arm and pulled me down on top of him.

Now I was straddling his waist, looking into his deep chocolate brown eyes. My heart skipped a beat. George smirked, his endearing little fangs hanging over the edge of his lip. I smiled at him.

"George," I said quietly, unable to tear my gaze from his own.

"Amoreena..." he reached up and gently stroked my brown curls, "please can we share the bed...?"

And in that moment, George Harrison looked so adorably vulnerable that I was unable to help myself from leaning down and pressing our lips together.

Immediately I let out a moan. George took this opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth and wrap it around my own. His hands moved to my hips and began to slowly move me back and forth - very quickly I realised what he wanted and happily obliged, putting as much pressure onto his growing bulge as I could. This felt so good against my clothed core. I moaned again and George decided to take control.

He flipped us over so I was on my back and he was hovering over me. As I looked into his chocolate brown eyes I knew that I was completely and utterly fucked. Feelings were stirring inside of me that made me want to give my everything to George Harrison.

But I knew that I couldn't.

He was Pattie's, as much as I hated to admit it.

I sighed and said, "stop, George." He climbed off of me straight away and instead sat beside me, crossing his legs. As I sat up to assume the same position, I noticed the large bulge in his trousers.

I'd known this man less than three days and already I was losing myself in him.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked me softly, looking down into his lap - possibly at his boner - which he was making no secret of.

"George," I said, "you've got a wife. This is cheating. We can't do this."

"But Amoreena," George said in a quiet tone of voice as he laced our hands together. I looked down at our hands and couldn't help the small smile which spread across my face. "Amoreena, I really like you. I don't want you to keep turning me away because of Pattie -"

"George," I answered softly, "I'm not the kind of girl to enable cheating, okay? If you really mean what you say and how you act around me, then," I took a deep breath, pausing briefly. Did I really want to say what I was planning on? But then I looked into George's eyes, and noticed the warm, encouraging - almost loving - smile on his face. I knew that I had to say it. "George, if you really mean it then you'll choose me."

"Choose you?" He asked in surprise and confusion.

"George, you either choose your wife, or you choose me. I don't want you cheating on her, and neither does she - but if you're serious, then you'll sort it out." I got off of the bed. "I'll sleep on the sofa -"

"Amoreena," he said quietly. I turned back to him. "We can share the bed."

"No. No we can't, Geo." I took the spare pillow from the bed.

"You say that nothing will happen until I break it off with her?" He cocked his head at me in question.

"I didn't say that exactly, but -"

"But that's what you meant, right?" Feeling almost ashamed of myself, I nodded. Yes, I wanted him to divorce his wife so that he could be with me.

"George, I -"

"Get in the bed, Amoreena." He said in authoritative tone of voice, pulling back the duvet for me. I did as I was told, though I wasn't quite sure why. George got in beside me after he switched off the light. We laid on our backs, staring up at the ceiling for a few seconds before he asked, "can I hold you?"

"I..." I decided that there was no point in denying us both of this simple piece of affection if we both wanted it. "I'd like that." George scooted closer to me and wrapped me in his arms.

As I drifted off to sleep in his arms, I heard the Beatle in my bed musing to himself, "I wonder how much a divorce will cost me..."

Within You, Without You | George Harrison ✅Where stories live. Discover now