xyela d'amelio
about: xyela d'amelio is a 21 year old social media influence. she is oldest of 3 siblings she is host of MTV's TV show "roast war" were many guest compete to roast each outer and others. she host with her twin brother kio damilio . and occasionally sings in tiktoks or on live.
family: xyela is eldest at 21 with her twin brother right behind 21, she has 2 younger sisters charli 16 and Dixie 19 withe her parents heidi and mark she was also best frainds with madi menore, jaden hossler, bryce hall, and josh richirds and occasionally hangs out with griffin Johnson despite him being her sisters ex boyfriend.
before they were famous: before xyela was famous she used to dance was head of the cheer team, she was top runner on track, goalie in soccer best in her courus class played the piano, and was apart of the robotics club she graduated at the age of 18 with chosen valedictorian and since then is now taking business classes.
the next d'amelio//griffin Johnson
FanfictionQuote; And it's not fair I keep on writing a sequel to stories I know that are not there I don't wanna die but I don't wanna live like this;end Quote