-: CH-1:- "Nothing else to lose." :-

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- Merlin - POV -

All I can see is a blank screen saying Error. Mocking me in a way that made me more angry. I couldn't do anything, I tried every single code, password and even turning it on and off again but nothing was happening. All I could see was the view of Eggsy through my glasses.

Eggsy: "Merlin, what the fuck is happening? Nothings fucking working!" He shouts at me.

Merlin: "I don't fucking know it's just failed, I can't do anything I've tried." I sigh slamming my fist against the desk.

Eggsy: "Well have you turned it on and off again."

Merlin: "You don't think I fucking tried that!" I shout back at him. I was angry, I knew we were hacked but how. I tried to backtrack but everything was going smoothly nothing was wrong, and then nothing.

Eggsy: "Well we're fucked then." He says looking around the room with his gun out.

Merlin: "I know that. Do you know where Galahad is?"

Eggsy: "Yeah he's covering me because we've lost all connection with the others."

Merlin: "Dammit!" I shout getting more annoyed. I hear the sound of gunshots in the distance. "What happened there?"

Harry: "I got the last one. They're all gone now." Harry says heaving with a deep breath.

Eggsy: "What do we do?"

Harry: "Nothing we can do. Mission failed."

Eggsy: "What?!" I feel guilty, knowing that I failed all of them.

Harry: "If Merlin can't hack into the system then there's nothing we can do until he's found it." Harry says in a monotone voice but I could tell he was annoyed.

Eggsy: "Great, so that was all for nothing." I see Harry nod looking straight down at the lenses. I feel the disappointment in his eyes. I sigh and take off the glasses knowing that Arthur is not going to be happy tomorrow morning. I stay quiet hearing all the agents shouting back at each other. Saying that they've never failed and how it was my fault. It was kind of but sometimes mistakes can happen but here no one gets that. I put the glasses back on and sigh. Everyone shuts up and looks back.

Merlin: "Mission failed, go back to the plane. We'll reconvene in the morning, nine sharp." I shut off my glasses not wanting to hear anymore shouting. I sit there looking back at the mess in front of me, knowing I'm fucked. After twenty-odd years in the field and this happens now. I'm fucked.

I turn away from the screen not wanting to be reminded. I turn it off at the wall and pick up my briefcase walking to the room in the mansion I stayed in while on missions. I wanted to stay there knowing it might be the last night there.


- Y/N's - POV -

I sit at my desk in my flat bored out my mind, the software system I downloaded wasn't really responsive anymore. It just gave me files and new codes. Something about some drug boosts knowing it was either a hoax or the deep web. After that I wasn't interested, all the excitement earlier of someone fighting back at me, but then nothing happened. All I was left with was the files. I read through them contemplating on reporting it to the police but they'd probably not believe me. So I left it, I didn't really care that much thinking the worst that could come from it was a virus but I could fix that in a second. I look back at the time seeing it was nearly 3 am. I had a lecture at 9 am and needed some sleep, I left my laptop on as more files downloaded thinking these could be useful for someone one day soon.


- Merlin's - POV -

I sit in my room staring at nothing, disappointed. I look back at the laptop I had trying to find something, anything to help me find whoever did this. That when I hear a knock at the door.

Merlin: "Enter." The door opens to Harry and Eggst standing there in the doorway, they looked annoyed and tired.

Eggsy: "What the hell fuck out there?!"

Harry: "Eggsy calm down." Harry shouts over him calming him down. Eggsy shuts up folding his arms looking back at me angrily. "Now what happened out there?" Harry asks calmer.

Merlin: "The hell do I know. One minute everything was running smooth and the next thing it just vanished. All the files and codes.Everything. Gone." I say running my hands over my face.

Eggsy: "Why didn't you back it up?"

Merlin: "You think I'm stupid. Of course, I did any idiot would know that." I hear them both sighs as I look back at them. "Look I don't know what happened. Whoever it was outsmarted me, right now mine retracking the digital footsteps of the person but it seems difficult." I say pointing at the laptop screen. Harry picked it up and started to look at it.

Harry: "They got in a good, took everything." He says passing it back to me.

Merlin: "I don't know what to do now." I place my head into my hands, my knees shake knowing all of this was my fault.

Harry: "Maybe you need help." I look back confused.

Merlin: "What do you mean?"

Harry: "Maybe someone can help you. Always have back up. Whoever it is seems to know their stuff."

Eggsy: "You really want someone who worked against us to work with us."

Harry: "I'm not saying that. Maybe do the same thing as we do with the recruits. Give them tasks and other things to know who would be the best."

Merlin: "Maybe your right. Finding these people could help." I say looking back at the laptop.

Harry: "Try and find my information on this person, bring them in and integrate them to see what they want. And if they crack they can join us." I nod looking there the backlog on the mission.

Eggsy: "Do you really think that's the best idea. This person nearly killed all of us and you think it's wise for them to put our lives in danger." He says more annoyed with us. Harry shrugs and looks back at me.

Harry: "Nothing else to lose."

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