The Evil Winds

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Chapter One – The Evil Winds

The winds of the land turn and shift around. Within the valleys, under the mountains and high at the heart of The Order ship plans steer around the land and affect the people. The land in question North Hashtosho sits where most would call the centre of the planet. Split in two by a river North Hashtosho took leadership of the valley that holds Fort Weild and after discussions with Dinmond’s king Hashtosho’s border took a smooth line more North than it had ever previously. The people affected did not enjoy this change, it came with requirement. Food soon becoming short becoming on mutual grounds with the largest Three castles still around was their only choice.

                Never the less, the leaders did not like the change for the Laws did change, they were now owned and ruled by the Hashtosho leaders. This meant that certain crafts of Magic and weapon wielding became illegal. The Black arts were effectively banned, wilding anything that held a crystal considered to have too much power became an illegal action and those that did not obey this law were sentenced to the worst of the 6 unspeakable spells, death.

They did not see however that the ones that were sentenced had not died. They also did not have any physical form, the body lost in a pile and burned to the ground. However their souls were trapped, if you die then you are taken to a grave calling location to pass on, even if you are killed by someone else this is your fate however if you are killed for a crime of the black arts you cannot go to the grave. These sprits that the Hashtosho government would call evil still walk the land in search of answers and although un-seeable anyone can hear them. They are whisper in your ear when you are standing in a confectionary shop; they are the whisper in your ear just before you become an Adulterer and was the whisper that whispered in the ear of an Air Step leader near by the village he was soon to be the murderer of.

The AirStep were a tribe of Air walking humans that had taken refuge within the hills on the valley Weild. The leader sat on the floor in front of a scribe of the crop count. They had fields near to the village on the Hashtosho side of the valley and a fall had occurred. On the week a visit from one of their second in line Princesses Jerni along with The Circle Horde he spoke up from the evil and sent them to cure them of this famine. The evil had won with barely a Whisper in the ear, and not the first but perhaps the last sacrifice was ordered because of the strict laws of the Governments south.

“Jora.” A voice from close to his ear sounded. It was almost a loud whisper that offered little conclusion to the challenge of waking him up. “Jora” she called again, this time louder and from a high location. “Jora…” a final time she shouted, Jora rolled towards the window and away from the voice trying to wake him up. Cherrie held Jora’s nose until he coughed and woke up. His eyes slowly opened to the face of his girl friend looking down and onto him. The light outside just increasing with the light and the hour early. She let go and Jora sat up in his side of the bed. He pulled the curtains apart that were on his side and held no gap from the bed to the window. He peered out of the window and saw the beauty of the location he lived in.

The valley with farms and wild life had but only just seen sunlight shining down onto it. The river seemed to flow clear blue water from it and did not seem polluted as it had in recent times. The flowers had just begun to blossom as the first day of Spring had arose over their little piece of paradise. The sun in the west rising slowly and the second sun far in the back ground and dramatically more west than their primary sun. The first day of spring meant the planet, central sun and second sun would come into alignment on the day after. This celebrated by their people as New Years is celebrated in every other Human settlement.

Jora looked back at Cherrie and smiled. She was trying to sort out her hair in a more reputable manner. Jora looked at her however as he looked out of the window. He looked at her as she was pure beauty. Beauty is with the eye of the beholder, and Jora knew what he thought it was and looked at Cherrie with pure beauty. He did not feel lust, or shame he felt only that she was the centre of his universe and that a million springs could never arrive and he would not be disappointed for sitting within his bed was more than enough beauty to last him a million life times. At that moment he thought that there could not be anything that she could do, that she could think, that she could speak that could take him out of the mesmerisation that he was currently experiencing and coursing through his veins was what some would call pure happiness.

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