Chapter 11 - Same as Always

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Not You

Chapter 11 - Same as Always

"Since I only have 2 weeks before I am potentially locked up in a rotten cell and beaten for the joy of it all, I want to at least have a little fun." Shiro admitted.

"Fun?" Levi repeated. He grumbled and continued to sweep the floor. "No way. Get back to cleaning."

"Fine." Shiro folded her arms. "I'll go on my own with the 104th. Which Jean is part of." Shiro turned around and just as she was about to walk away, Levi grabbed her slim waist and pulled her back.

"Tch. I'm going."


"I'm surprised you bothered to join us." Levi commented.

"I've finished all my paperwork right now." Erwin replied. "Plus Emi begged me to tag along."

"She's got you wrapped around her finger." Levi stood up. "We should wait outside for them."


Whilst they waited by the horses, a loud crashing sound was heard. Levi face palmed because he knew exactly who it was. Hanji came dashing out with a wide grin but it soon dropped when she saw only Erwin and Levi stood there.

"Eh!? Grumpy shorty is coming too? Are you sure you can neglect cleaning for a day? You might get sick!!" Hanji exclaimed.

"Fuck off."

Shiro then emerged being carried by Jean on his shoulders. Levi clenched his fists and glared. The rest of the 104th then appeared so the group could get going. Levi walked behind Jean, kicked him in the back of the knee then removed Shiro from his shoulders and walked away.

"Erwin-san!!" Emi called happily. "I am happy that you're coming. I didn't think you'd be able to with all your work and I am very sorry for dragging you along and I-"

Erwin quietened the girls' rambling by placing his hand on the top of her head. She stopped talking and blushed then hurried to her horse. She attempted to climb on the horse but fell down. Erwin laughed then lifted her onto it.

"Ah, thank you!"


The group arrived at a large lake which many people used as some sort of vacation area. It was the closest thing they had to the ocean. It was surrounded with sand and had a small cottage by the water.

Shiro jumped down from her horse and placed her hands on her hips. She glanced around with a content smile on her face.

"I yearn for the day we can see the real ocean." She mused, "Be on real beaches and most importantly, have a sense of freedom."

"It'll happen one day." Levi whispered from just behind her. she nodded in response then they wandered closer to the water where the group had set up a little blanket on the sand and a booth to change.

"It's strange not being in my uniform and having my 3DMG." Shiro smirked and sat beside Hanji.

"Shiro!!" Hanji said with surprise. "Lets go in the water!! Shorty can last a little while without touching you~"

"Hmm. I don't see why not." Shiro smiled and allowed herself to be dragged to the water whilst still wearing her dress.

Shiro ended up swimming to the middle of the lake easily. She enjoyed the feeling of the cool water on her skin.

She floated around for a little while until she felt the water moving strangely. Almost as if something was rising from beneath her. She almost collapsed in the water when she saw a titan's head rising up. She couldn't swim fast enough to get away. She was hoisted in the air. She screamed loudly, not expecting this at all.



Even Erwin himself stood frozen. Nobody had their equipment with them. They were helpless.

"Who would've known a Titan was in the bottom of the lake..." Hanji pondered, earning a harsh punch to the shoulder. "I wonder how long he's been there!?"

"Think about that crap later."

Shiro closed her eyes and leapt off the titan only for her body to be roughly grabbed. She was winded for a second then focused herself. There was no way she was going to die just yet. She had to at least marry Levi first.

She wriggled in the titans hand, getting more nervous as she got closer to the mouth.


"But, she-!!!"

Shiro had freed herself and swung herself so she was stood on the titans hand. She glanced down at the water and dived towards it. This time an arm wrapped around her body. She quickly recognised this as Levi. She clung onto him tightly so he didn't have to hold her and so he could use both his arms.

He had all of his 3DMG on him. He spun around quickly and killed the titan without hesitation. He then lowered them both down to the ground safely. As soon as Shiro's feet touched the sand, she dropped to her knees. Complete and utter shock filling her. This was the last thing she expected to happen.

Levi cleaned his blades with disgust, "You'll be the death of me."


Shiro was in her room. Aimlessly staring at a picture that she kept despite knowing none of the people in it cared about her existence.

She didn't notice when Levi walked in, sat down and gave her a puzzled look. She jumped when Levi reached out and touched her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Levi frowned. "Are you still shaken up from earlier?"

"I'm fine." Shiro assured and set the photo down.

Levi wasn't convinced but moved on anyway. "There's a letter for you."

"Who's it from?" Shiro asked curiously. Levi placed the letter in front of her. She quickly read it then sighed heavily. "Please get rid of it."

"Are you not going to read it?"

"No. It's from my brother. It'll be the same as always. I don't need to read it to know what the contents are."

Levi took the letter back and stood up. He left Shiro's room and wandered to a fireplace so he could burn it. Yet, a sense of curiosity filled him. He knew it wasn't right but he couldn't help himself. He opened up the letter and began skimming through.

He couldn't believe that this person was Shiro's brother. Vile language was used and pretty much told Shiro everything that had gone wrong in their family was her fault. He didn't bother reading to the end. Levi gritted his teeth and threw the paper in the fire and watched it burn.

What surprised him most was the fact he was supposed to be a respected member of the military police. Then again, not many of the military police are good people.


"Do you honestly think this is clean?" Levi spat whilst he glared at Eren.

"Yes? I cleaned it the best I could, sir!!" Eren replied.

"Do it again." Levi ordered.

He walked to the window and noticed a man approaching on a horse. He narrowed his eyes and noticed the military police emblem on his jacket. Were they here to take Shiro already? Can't be. They would've brought a carriage, too...

Levi dismissed the man, assuming he wouldn't cause any bother and was here on business with Erwin.

Meanwhile, Emi was busy cleaning in Erwins office whilst he was doing paperwork.

"Corporal said I should clean in here because you won't get mad if it's me." Emi explained with her usual bright smile.

"I see." Erwin laughed. "He is correct."

"Commander! There's a man here from the military police!!"

Erwin stood up and hurried down to the first floor to see why the man was here. Erwin was sure he had seen his face before.

"Jason Arabelle, I'm here on unofficial business."

"And that be?"

"I'm visiting my sister, Shiro."

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