Chapter 16

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"Thank you for joining me squad leaders and commanding officers!"
The group of 20 plus had gathered under the large pavilion where a large oak table had been set up.
"The direness of this situation has been made clear to all of us. It is imperative that we maintain an aura of control in this time."
Erwin unrolled a hastily drawn map on the table. Areas of importance had been circled in red ink.
"We are here." He placed his finger on the center of the map.
"As you know, we have a 30 mile radius to defend. That is our so called "arena" We will set up strategically placed refuel and medical stations around our main camp."
He paused and made sure that everyone understood what he was saying.
"Squad leaders! You will each be assigned a station to defend! Squad leaders Mueller, Fischer, and Becker, you will defend any stations in area Alpha. Take 5 Scouts and 10 MP's."
The aforementioned leaders saluted "Yes commander!"
"Squad leaders Huber, Schmidt, and Hermann! Defend all stations in area Bravo! Take the same amount of soldiers!"
Erwin deployed 12 squad leaders and 60 soldiers to defend the surrounding areas.
"For the rest of you! Set up Titan traps and supplies around camp! You will be tasked with defending our core forces! Take 20 soldiers each!"
At this point, it was only Hange, Levi, a few superiors, and I left around the table with Erwin.
"Levi, you and your squad will focus on defending L/N. You will also be in charge of training her. You will need to work quick, so train her in the fundamentals." Levi nodded "Hange, you are in charge of researching this world. I want you and Armin to take 10 other academically inclined soldiers and get to work."
Finally he turned towards me. "L/N, from now on you are a member of Levi Squad. This means you will train, eat, and sleep with them. You will complete any tasks Levi requests and you will help Hange if she has any questions. You are dismissed."

"Alright brat! You have a week to get up to shape! There's no time for any ass kissing, so complete any training tasks quickly and efficiently. You are part of my Squad now so you will be held to the same standards as them."
Levi barked and I nodded quickly.
"From now on you will address me as Captian Levi! You will not speak unless spoken to and you will drop everything and salute the second you see me or another officer! Do you understand, Cadet?!" He yelled.
"Yes sir!" I yelled back, quickly saluting and staring straight ahead.
"That's more like it, brat! Now go and run until you drop!"
"Yes Captain!"

Levi's POV
"You don't need to be so harsh on her Levi!" Hange scolded and I shook my head.
"If she wants to survive in our world then I can't go easy on her. I know you understand that damn four eyes." I snapped "Now if you'll excuse me I need to get L/N's training ready."

I forgot how fucking hard cardio is, sweet Jesus.
I had been running for hours until Levi finally called me back in.
"Cadet! It's dinner time! Follow behind me and I'll show you where the mess hall will be."
"Yes Captain..." I grumbled, legs shaking and twitching.

As the smell of food drifted over to me, I finally understood why Sasha was so feral on her first night.
Holy shit I'm starving!

"Y/N! How was was training?" Historia walked up behind me and I jumped
"Oh my god, Historia you scared me!"
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Levi barked and we both snapped shut.

"Fucking finally. We're here brats." He opened the doors to a community center and cringed as my stomach growled loudly.
"Go get some food Cadet. We're sitting at that table in the corner."
He walked off and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Wow! Captain Levi sure did a number on ya, huh Y/N?" Jean commented and I groaned loudly.
"Shut up horse face. As much as I love physical activities, I hate cardio."
Eren cackled from Levi table
"She called you a horse face! Holy shit! I told you I wasn't the only one who saw it!"

"Oh yeah?! You wanna fight you damn suicidal bastard?!" Jean yelled back, storming over to the table, Eren pushed away from the table and squared up to the bicolor haired boy.
"Jaeger! Sit your ass down!" Levi barked, kicking the teen in the back of his kneecaps.

I watched in amusement as he toppled to the ground, Jean laughing at him before quickly joining him on the ground.

"Let's go get our food, Historia." I giggled and waved Sasha over.
"Sasha!! Come on girl let's get some food, I'm starving!"
She jogged over and the three of us got in line.
"Is the food different in your world?" Sasha asked curiously and I nodded.
"Yup! While the fundamentals are the same, we have been able to create different cuisines that include a variety of different spices and produce! On top of that, our world has a more abundant meat supply, so most households have meat at least once a day!" I explained enthusiastically and she gasped
"D-does that mean I could eat all of the meat I want?!"
"Well yes but also no. You would have to buy your own meat, and while it is abundant, it is also very expensive. Especially beef and shellfish products."
She shuffled her feet and frowned "But are you allowed to hunt for your own meat?"
"Sort of! However, you aren't allowed to hunt all year round. That's so wild animal populations have the chance to repopulate!"
"Girls, we're at the front of the line now." Historia nudged me and Sasha and I both snapped our heads up.
"Oh my god, finally!" I exclaimed, grabbing a tray that had been stacked at the end of a counter.
For dinner, we were served a portion of slightly burnt rice, overcooked vegetables, and sliced chicken breasts.

I chuckled "I'm going to have to teach them how to cook with modern tools."

Bloody hell!! Literally!! (AOT x Modern Reader)Where stories live. Discover now