Chapter 12

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Y/N's PoV
I'm still shaken from that letter, even with the weed, it's terrifying to think that some sicko is playing a twisted game with human lives. I can't let anyone outside of that tent know what happened, it's to dangerous. But I have to put that aside and focus on the task at hand: saving as many lives as possible and beating this game.

"We're leaving now L/N!" Eren yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts,
"Coming coming!"
I jogged over to the boy who was headed to the horses.
"Do you know how to ride a horse, L/N?" He asked, stopping next to a pure black horse.
"Yeah, I've been riding since I was a girl." I replied, he nodded and handed me the reins "Saddle up and meet me by those big trees, Commander Erwin said he'll brief us and then give a speech or whatever."
He turned to get his own horse but I stopped him, "Wait, what about F/N, Tyler and Ryo?"
"They'll be fine! They've been transported away on that weird thing you call a bus!"
I nodded, and put my left foot in the stirrup before swinging my body up and onto the saddle.
"Hey there big fella. I'm gonna be riding you, okay?" I pet the horses name before taking hold of the reins.
"Alright, let's go buddy." I urged the horse into a trot and headed to the direction of the meeting.

"Soldiers! We gather our forces today to protect a brand new world! Let's put aside the strife between us and prepare! It is now time for action! We fight to defend this world and ours! Are you with me, soldiers?!"
Erwin yelled from atop his horse, soldiers everywhere yelled back in agreement.
"We will assume our regular position! Scouts! Help those who are unfamiliar with the procedure!"
With that, he kicked the flank of his horse and began the charge.
"L/N! You're with me!" Levi yelled, galloping past.
"Yes sir!" I followed him as we got into position.
The plan is to split into four groups, three to establish a 30 mile perimeter and one to protect, escort, and provide logistics to others.
I was assigned into group 4, my main job being to survive.

The sound of horses galloping was deafening as the groups split.

"L/N! How many miles to the next settlement?!" Erwin yelled, "Only five, Commander! We're heading straight for it!!"

Trees blurred past me and I spotted the highway a mile ahead. "Commander! We need to get onto that road! It's a major strategic gain!"
He steered his horse closer to the road.

"3 meter Titan spotted, Sir!" Eren yelled from in front of me, before pulling out a flare gun and shooting off a green flare.
"Avoid combat at all costs!"
Erwin yelled back and I steered my horse away from the Titan.

The Titan stared at me with hauntingly familiar eyes. Eyes so human I could feel the hatred and fear reflected in them.
I understand why the Titans are so terrifying now, imagine being the size of a fly to something that wants to eat you. Something that looks like you and moves like you. It makes my blood boil just thinking about the thousands of people that they have eaten. The thousands of families broken and dismantled by one catastrophic event.
“L/N! Stay close to Levi Squad!” Erwin yelled as we burst through the trees onto the highway, the deafening sound of hundreds of horses drowned out the yells and screams that could be heard otherwise.
Levi pulled up next to me and slowed down to match my horse’s gait, “You better be right about this plan L/N!” “I hope so sir! Hopefully we can set up a more permanent base in the town!”

My thoughts drifted off to F/N. She’s been my best friend for the majority of my life, we’ve done everything together. And now she’s in danger. Everyone I love is in danger and it’s up to me to stop it.
I look down and see my knuckles have turned white from how tightly I’m holding the reins.
Calm down, we need to control our anger.

“Oi! You damn brat! Get to the front with Erwin!” Levi yells, shaking me from my reverie. “Right!”

I can see the town more clearly now, we’re getting closer!
“Alright L/N! It’s going to be up to you to convince these people that we mean no harm! Prove to them that we are here to help!” He orders over the thundering of hooves.
“Yes sir!” Erwin slows down to allow me room to pass him.

“Y/N!! Watch out!!” I hear Eren yell from behind and I look to my left and see a giant Titan with its eyes on me. “Oh fuck!” 
“Y/N! Fall back to Eren!” Erwin yelled, firing off a black flare and continuing straight ahead.

“Oh no…” I mutter in shock as the Titan reaches towards me. 

Bloody hell!! Literally!! (AOT x Modern Reader)Where stories live. Discover now