Chapter 12 - Mark

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Dodge apparently told Jenn that I know why she's here because she's on top of me – not literally, thankfully – as soon as I walk through the door.

"I saw this cute girl at the park today."

I inwardly sigh. "Yeah?" I place my bag down on the floor. "What about her?"
She looks at me over her cheese stick that she's peeling apart. "That's your new girlfriend. Her name is Millie, and she has a lot of fur."

I pause for a minute, and then I get it. "A dog, Jenn? Really?"

She shrugs, pleased with herself. "I thought it would be a cute match."

I swat her arm as I walk past. "No you didn't."

"You're right, I didn't really. I did go with the intention of finding you an eligible girl you could date; it's nice outside."

I snort. "Got a list you could give me?" I'm not going to mention Allison, and you're not either. I'm seriously hoping Jenn doesn't remember that female pronoun I used earlier.

She grins creepily. "That's an idea. Make you a list. However, unfortunately today there were no eligible girls."

"Today?" I call from my room. "You're implying that you're going to go back."

"You're going to come with me. But we don't have to go today, don't worry. Today, we're going to go to the mall."

I choke on the water I was drinking as I walk out of my room. "The mall?"

"That's what I said." She places the last piece of cheese stick in her mouth and goes to throw out the wrapper. "You could do with some decorating, I could do with some shopping, and girls like the mall."
"Yeah. Teenage girls. I'm not dating a teenage girl."
"What's wrong with teenage girls?"
"Nothing's wrong with them." I go sit down on the couch. "I just want to date someone closer to my age, that's all."

"That's very... closed-minded of you." Jenn comes and joins me on the couch. I don't know how that's going to help get me out of the house.

I force out a laugh. "Remember Josh? Yeah? Lauren suggested you date him, and your excuse was that he was five years three months older than you."

For the first time she looks a little embarrassed. Good.

"He was also the older brother of my sister's best friend. That would have been awkward."

"But that wasn't your excuse. Your excuse was that he was five- "

She shoots up and grabs my hand. "Okay, we're going. Come on."

Someone help me, please.

As soon as we get back home I plop myself down on the couch with a sigh. Finally, that's over.

There were barely any teenage girls there, let alone any girls. It's Saturday afternoon, which is surprising that there were no crowds of girls, to be honest, but I'm very thankful. Instead, Jenn dragged me to many different stores: clothing store, to get her husband more shirts; stationary store, to get her more notebooks because she likes to write her interviews by hand; a decorating store, because she claims my apartment lacks color, something that I really don't mind; and a grocery store – she claims I need more flour. Plus more shops that I can't think about right now.

We did, however, run into Jenn's friend, so that's where she is right now. She said she'll come back later, so I pull myself up from the couch and go make myself some supper and turn on the golf tournament – I recorded it, knowing I most likely wouldn't be able to watch it today.

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