Cat mystery. part 1

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It was a normal day in the SMP. Everyone was doing work and their own things. Here we see a gogy running from a dre'. "DREAM NO!" George yells. Dream just lets out a laugh. They run by the others. "what the fa-" Glatt tries to say. "LANGUAGE!" bad yells at Glatt. George and dream run deep into the forest. George would trip and fall into a random ravine. "gogy are you ok?" dream asks. There was no response. "George!?" dream yells. There would be a whimper. Dream got curious and jumped down, landing with a water bucket. There would be a hiss. "hello?" Dream would take out a torch and see a brown and white cat with blue eyes and George's goggles. "hey there little one.." dream would say. "reow!" the cat says. Dream picks up the cat and surprisingly the cat would let dream pick em up.

*once they get back*

"where did you find that thing?" Glatt asked. The cat hissed at him making sure the teeth are shown. "calm down cat." Glatt says raising his hands. The cat meowed then hopped down. "where is the cat going?" ghostbur asked. Dream just shrugged as the cat sniffed the air. The cat ran over to fundy and meowed. Fundy would do a yip back. "what was that?" Philza asked. "I can speak to animals and this cat says it's George." Fundy says. "George!?" dream yells. Fundy nods and sits next to the cat. "yep its George all right." Fundy says. Fundy would pet George and George would let him. "meow!" George yells. George walks over to dream and sat in his lap. He would kneed then lay down. "you comfy?" dream said. "mew!" George responded. "ill take that as a yes-" dream said. George would fall asleep. Dream chuckles and pets George. George would let out a purr. Dream smiled and fell asleep.

*le time skip*

Dream wakes up and George is gone. "George?" dream calls out but no response. Dream gets up and looks around in a panic. "George where are you!?" dream yells out. There would be a near-by yelp deep into the forest.

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