❄️ I hate lunch! ❄️

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I heard. Too be honest I was crazy nervous but I didn't wanna show it. "Hey are you okay?" I turned around feeling a hand on my shoulder. It was the teacher! "Yeah why do you ask?" I said confused. "It's just that... you're shaking." She said smiling.


"o-oh! It's just something I do." I lied. This is embarrassing. "Okay well if you ever need a talk than I'm here you're always welcome!" She said. I thanked her and ran out of there. Ever since I bullied Jisung I gained a different personality.

I don't talk much anymore considering I would never want to hurt others again, so it's kinda hard to go to lunch. I'm staring to think something's wrong with me but whatever right?

I ruffled my hair and went into the lunch line, all I could think about is what Jisung said. I waited for everyone to get their food awkwardly. I mean everyone around me were talking and laughing, that use to be me...

Soon I got my food and started to speed walk to a table that was empty. No one there and it can just be me alone! I looked around seeing NO Jisung causing me to sigh in response.

As soon as I sat down I heard a voice. a VERY familiar voice.. "BINNIE COME SIT WITH US!" I heard him say while his other friends only laughed.

Binnie huh?

I only tried to ignore him, yet the whole cafeteria went completely silent. Which scared me! I slowly turned feeling someone's presence around me. He suddenly slammed his hands right infront of my face on the table.

"Didnt I tell you to meet me at lunch?" He said whispering dangerously close to my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, although my heart loved it. "U-uh Jisung please leave me alone." I said caught off guard by his actions.

He than grabbed my wrist making me get up. "Everyone this is changbin!" Jisung said introducing me to the whole cafeteria. Genuinely I ABSOLUTELY HATED THIS MUCH ATTENTION.

my whole body was heating up from the way people looked at me. I could only tell negative thoughts were swirling around their heads. It almost made me go crazy, my head was starting to ache from the emotions I was holding in.

"Changbin is someone I knew way back then, I'm extremely familiar with him." He spoke looking at me with a evil smile. "Everyone meet changbin...my boyfriend."


I heard gasp all around and people just yelling. Jisung dragged me to his lunch table as I stood with my mouth opened. "BOYFRIEND?!" I said at Jisung "YOUVE GOT TO BE OUT OF YOUR MI-" Jisung covered my mouth.

"Shut up. Anyone ever told you you talk too much?" He said looking at me. "no not really." I said with a straight face. "Jisung, I'm my own person and I can talk if I need too. Now I'm gonna leave because I'm not your boyfriend." I said looking at him with wide eyes.

He stared at me for a hot minute before grabbing my waist and pulling me dangerously closer to him. "Baby, if I have to make you shut up I will, you want me too?" He said getting closer to my lips.

"OKAY OKAY OKAY I UNDERSTAND!!" I said panicking. I almost jumped out of jisung's arms. My head was spinning and my body was extremely hot. I practically ran away. I went into the library and went behind a shelf to breathe.


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