Y/N is Chris's younger sister by almost 3 years and she's moving in with him in North Carolina because their parents spilt up and y/n is forced to move out. While messing around with Chris she finds a job working for Mr. Beast, and with the job come...
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Ok so bestie here asked how to write good so here some tips?!1!11/!?1/1
Here is a description of a room (guys it's from an old story shhh)
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Y'all see how the word was is used so much like wtf (how you check that is press ctrl+f in google docs and the in the word box u put the word u want to be highlighted) Also words like there are used a lot and big run on sentences are present. Also lets talk about how the room seems so sexy I want it?? Okay back on track I took out all of the was's except two (one isn't highlighted idk what thats about) so here is what we have now.
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Now secret time! I actually fixed it up yesterday. So we can consider the first one out first draft, the second one is our second pass, but today I'm looking at it and I'm noticing how choppy it seems, so I'm going to go back and clean it up!
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Something that took me a while to learn is that not everything needs so much detail. Simple things like movements or describing a room they don't always need so much detail. You don't have to be like: "Karl stood up from the beanbag chair, shaking heavily, and stumbled to the window" Its just too much detail for Karl just standing up and taking two steps to look out the window. "Karl stood up and stumbled to the window." Just because you write a bunch of words, it doesn't make the story better. Those words can be filled with useless crap or things that we actually need in the story. Another example is let's say your characters are going into the living room. Most readers know what the average living room looks like, so if your living room is just a T.V. and couch you don't need to describe it when you walk in the room. But let's say on the table there is a gun, and that gun is there for a reason. When you walk into the room describe the gun so to the readers it doesn't look like Karl pulled a gun out of his ass.
And something I really hate writing is banter, but it's important to a story. If your trying to show that Karl and Sapnap are really good friends, you wanna show them having some friendly banter, even if it adds nothing to the story. It helps the reader understand the relationship between the two characters. The best example that comes to mind is George and Fred Weasley, in the movies and books you see them talking and that helps you understand that they are friends. So let's say Karl and Sapnap are mad at each other. If the characters aren't bantering like they usually do, the reader is going to pick up on the tension easier than if they didn't banter at all. Another thing is that you don't want to tell your readers things, you want to show them things. If I say, "The book looked very interesting." you don't know why the book looked interesting. If I say "The book had bright yellow strips all over it and no title." Now you know why Karl was tempted to open it!
Not everyone is gonna love your main characters. There has to be people in the story that don't like them, and please kill off your characters in the middle of the story. Don't kill them off because you need an ending, it's cheap and I've seen it be done so many times. If you kill your characters in the middle of the story it's gonna come more unexpected to your readers. And kill them for a reason. Don't just kill of side character three because the hero needs a way out of the villains lair. Or there has to be a change when that character dies. People actually care about side character three, so show it. An example of this is when J. K. Rowling killed off Dobby. It was in the middle of the story and I remember being in 3rd grade when I read it and I was deadass crying in the classroom because she killed one of my favorite character. It hit so hard, and don't you want people to react to your book like that?
Summary: Tip one: Check your writing for words that you overuse Tip two: Check your writing everyday until your happy with it, because the next day you are probably gonna find mistakes Tip three: Not everything needs to have so much detail. Tip four: Banter helps define relationship Tip five: Show your reader things instead of telling them things Tip six: Not everyone is gonna love your main character Tip seven: There has to be a reason for killing off characters