Maybe 1D isn't that bad after all part 2 Stacy's pov

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I just woke up I got out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. I picked out some clothes and it was a white long sleeve shirt with some black shorts and got a towel and went to the bathroom and it was about 6:30am and my cousins Ella and Reese have school so I am going to drive them and school starts at 7:50 am so I have time to get a shower oh yeah Reese is six and Ella is thirteen so next year Ella is going to high school
so I have to get ready to take them to school so I sat my clothes down in the bathroom and took my clothes I slept in off and got in the shower I washed up and got out and dry off and put my clothes on and went down stairs and it was 7:06 am and Ella and Reese were watching tv and my Aunt was making breakfast and you guys are properly wondering were my parents are they died in a car crash when I was 19 I miss them so much but that was when I moved to America I am the only child but Morgan is like a sister to me.

So now it is 7:30 am so I have to get in the car and drive the kids to school and it takes 20 minutes to get there I yelled for them to come get in my jeep and they did so while I was driving a song came on called the best song ever by one direction I only know this song because Morgan sings it all the time and then they stared singing I just turned it down and did I mention Ella likes Harry she is a huge fan she has posters of them in her room and a card board cut out of Harry I pulled out side of the school and they got out

I Love you I said

I Love you too they said at the same time

Ella has reddish hair and some brown in it and she as brown eyes and she has a boyfriend named Joey but yet she still likes Harry and Ella is really nice she gets it from Sarah they don't have a dad he was in the army and got shot we all miss I'm so much it happen when Reese was a baby there mum owns a business called Nando's I want to ask my aunt maybe if I can work there.

And Reese has light brown hair and brown eyes
she sometimes can be really sassy and her mum said she gets it from he father so now I am at Starbucks and lots of people are outside the building and stuff I wonder why? I parked out side and went in there were five guys in line one had curly hair he looked like the guy on Ella's card bored cut out and one with blonde hair who was eating a sandwich and another with brown hair and he was goofing around and laughing :) and one brown dark hair and he had lots of tattoos and another who had a buzz cut and there was people take pictures of them and there were body guards then I realized it was one direction.

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