Maybe 1D isn't that bad after all stacys (pov)

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I woke up and I got up out of bed and got in the shower then got dressed then my phone buzzed

It was Morgan she was calling me hi I said hi
do you want to go to Nando's we haven't talked in forever she asked ok I said do you want me to pick you up she said yeah I said be there in 5 she said ok bye I said bye Morgan said Morgan has blonde hair blue eyes and she is really nice she is into shopping and loves to gossip but I love her she is my best best friend including Allison but Allison is at Paris this week anyway I don't even think she is going to the concert the door bell rang I ran down stairs and opened it was Morgan hi I said hi let's go I am hungry she said me too then I got in to her van we drove there and she put in a one direction cd Morgan loves Harry just like Ella.

We got to Nando's then we ordered our food we both got chicken.

I want to tell Morgan about Zayn should I I thought yeah I should

Morgan I got to tell you something I said

What she said

Um well I was at Starbucks yesterday and Um one direction was there and um Zayn and were talking and he asked for my number and I gave it to him and we texted last night.

OH MY GOD She screamed and everyone looked at us weird and I said


I am sorry I am just freaking out she said

Should I invite him to eat with us I said

Yasssss she said

Ok I will text Zayn

Hey do you want to eat lunch a Nando's with me and my friend Morgan I texted

Yeah that would be great can I bring the lads he asked

Sure I said

Ok be there In 5 he said

Ok I said

5 minutes later they came in Morgan sat by Harry and they look so cute together they were talking the waiter brought me and Morgan our chicken we waited for the boys to get there food before we ate Niall ordered lots but we all got free food because my Aunt owns it naill told me after I said that he said marry me then Zayn gave him a glare but Niall just laughed after we were done before we left Harry asked Morgan for her number she smiled like crazy then said ok then after that he leaned over to her ear and whispered I can't wait to see you at the concert he said then leaned back and winked He then got up and Morgan stood in the same place and said ok again then I said bye and they all said bye and Zayn said I will text you later I said ok then we left and Morgan screamed In the car.

Morgan's (pov)

OMG I just gave Harry freaking styles my freaking phone number I am dying he is so cute ;)

Harry's (pov)
Morgan is so hot I was nervous to ask for her phone number but she gave it to me she is so pretty :)

Stacy (pov)
Morgan and Harry I think would be a great couple.
Morgan you want to spend the night I said

Yeah sure she said

You can borrow my clothes and the rest of the day we had fun and watched movies then we fell asleep.;)

Maybe 1D isn't that bad after all (one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now