Chapter 1

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I sit in my house in Italy thinking about the last few weeks. My mother lost her battle to cancer and before she died she told me to go to Italy to find my father and meet him and let him know he has a daughter. I also asked my mother about my dad but she just gave short replies to me so I just stopped. On her death bed she gave me a letter with all my father's information on it but she told me to read the letter and look for my dad after she dies.
After having the letter for a week my mom died while i was holding her hand and ten minutes after her death the nurses took her from my house. I didn't cry because she told me "crying will mean that I'm remembering the life that was lost and not the life that was lived before death and I should be happy for the soul to live in the afterlife painless".
So I went to my desk and got the letter and read it:
Stefano Jax mortillaro- 30 years old  living in Italy. And a whole bunch of brothers, cousins, and uncles.
Well that's kinda disappointing I thought.
So I went to my computer and started to hack and found out my dad was the new don of the Italian mafia and he had 6 brothers, 2 uncles, 8 cousins (all male) and his father and grandfather all on my grandpa side. Then on my late grams's side I have uncles and cousins (all male and all in the underworld). Fuck I'm the only girl! Was all I thought.
Oh how rude of me I didn't introduce myself to you and I'm telling you my life story. My name is Raini melea mortillaro I'm 16 years old. I am my own boss I started my company when I was 13 and it grew so much that I made sister companies for it as well. I've already graduated high school and I have many PhDs, masters, bachelors, and associate degrees. I am a multi-trillionare. I'm a badass bitch. I street fight, street race, and I'm an assassin. I'm known as the Queen of the underworld. When people hear my name they shake in there shoes because I'm cold, heartless, merciless, and ruthless. Mafias all try to get me to join but I also say no because I'm my own person with my own people. You may be asking why would a 16 year old be in the under world? Well to answer that ever since I was born my mom taught me all the different languages so I can know them also she started to train me with hand to hand combat, all types of weapons, and hacking. I started street-fighting and racing when I was 7 and grew up doing it. I started my own gang at 10 and lead men and women. Hell I was feared when I was ten. My mom knew all this and she was fine with it as long as I didn't die. When I was 11 some really bad stuff happened and I'll tell you what happened later. Anyway my gang was so big that I took the money I made fighting and racing to start a business at 13 to make my less legal life look more legal. When mom first got cancer I was 14 and she wanted me to go through the process of emancipation so if she died I wouldn't go into foster care. At 15 I was emancipated and had my own house, which was right next door to my mom, and since my company was doing so good I launched two of my sister companies. When I turned 16 ten months ago moms cancer was really bad and I moved her in with me. She donated all of her stuff like clothes, shoes, jewelry, furniture, everything. She was only able to wear a hospital gown and had a catheter if she peed. She got sponge bathes and had to have nurses change her.
Just remembering my mom like that made me sick. I was restless in my bed thinking about what would I say to my dad and his family but I can't let them to close to me. They are the Italian mafia after all. I can lose everything if they found out who I am and could hurt the three people I only care about in this world. And I can't lose them ever! That was the last thought that ran through my mind before I let the sleep take over and succumbed to the darkness.

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