Chapter 3

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After the whole meeting everyone thing Ed wanted to show where my brother would be taking deliveries in (the pic above)
                          *Your POV*
"The burger mobile" Ed said in awe "you think you can handle her?" Ed said

"well I don't know I never driven a sandwich before" dexter said making me and Ed chuckle

"come on I'll take y'all for a spin" Ed said while walking to the handle opening the door for me then getting in then we all buckled up

"wait you do know how to drive right?" Dexter said

"I mean, you can read all the signs and stuf- SCREEECHHHH in the middle of me talking Ed drove out the drive way making me and dexter lean back hard on the seat with our eye wide open Ed was driving very fast and reckless

"now that's what I call fast food ha" Ed said while driving very fast I had signs of terror on my face so did dexter he look like he was about to cry

"whoa whoa look out for th-!" Dexter said while getting interrupted by the honking noises coming from other people when we passed a stop sign

"aye that was a stop signnnnn!!" Dexter said

"that means to stoppp!!!" I said screaming

Ed was so out of control we were going left and right

"aye watch out fo-"  

Then Ed hit Mr. Wheat's mailbox and it flew on the ground but we kept going.

                    *Mr. Wheat POV*

I was in my favorite Robe getting the mail taking in the fresh air then a saw a burger car driving reckless coming straight for me then I stepped back and they knocked down my mailbox

"hey hey!! Get back here!" I said yelling.

                          *Your POV*

After all that I had Ed drop me off home while my brother does night shift I said bye and went in the house took a shower brushed my hair and put my f/p (favorite pajamas) on then went to sleep thinking about what happened today.

                        *Dexter POV*

After my sister was dropped off we finally got back to good burger and I went in got on my uniform and started the night shift

"alright lemme see..five dollars an hour..six hours a day.. five days a week I should be able to pay off the car in ah" I said thinking

"oh another lifetime" I said hopelessly

Then BOOM my old boss from mondo burger came in (Kurt he kicked dexter out)

"well this place look nauseating" Kurt said I just rolled my eyes

"I mean what kind of diseased maggot would even consider eating here" Kurt said

"welcome to good burger home of the good burger can I take your order?" Ed said cheerfully

"oh check it boys look back there it's the reject" Kurt said while pointing at me

"well hey check it Ed it's the mondo idiot" I clapped back

"oh nice to meet you mondo idiot I'm Ed " Ed said with he's hand out ready to shake

"well Ed you better watch your butt man" Kurt said making Ed putting he's head down trying to watch he's butt in circles

"look you got a purpose of being here?"I said in a annoying tone

"Yeah I do I just thought you good burger losers should be aware that tonight is the grand opening of Mondo Burger" Kurt said making one of my coworkers growl

"The second we open our doors Good Burger goes in the grinder" Kurt said with the grinder phrase again🙄

"Again with this grinder look man you either order something or you can get to steppin" I said

"yeah sure you can take my order.. I'll have the very last good burger to go" we gave him a burger then he just spit the food on the ground and threw empty cup.

"I give up there is no way a guy can watch he's butt" Ed said exhausted I just gave him a weird look.

                      ***Time Skip***

Kurt was doing he's whole grand opening and he took so much electricity that out light went out and now I think I should be going home cause everyone went to Mondo Burger expect Good Burger. while we were sitting Mr. Baily got a mondo burger for himself and brought it to us. and it turns out the patty it huge and a lot bigger than ours. And our take for the whole day was $43.9 I'll never pay the car in time man.

"So Monique what you gonna do after you lock up" I said trying to flirt

"I thought I go home" she said

"home why?" I said trying to have you come over

"well, that's where my stuff is" she said in a sassy tone and then walking away

"oh stuff ha ha ha" I was with a sarcastic laugh

"hey dex" Ed said trying to get me attention "want to hangout tonight" while rolling on roller blades almost hitting Otis our coworker

"aye watch out!" Then I had a flashback

I was driving and saw a guy with braids block my view and made me crash into Mr.Wheat
End of flashback***

Then Ed bumps into Otis making him fall a nasty fall and ends up on he's back and I could have sworn I heard bone cracking but it was Ed who made me crash my car

"you!" I said pointing to Ed

"me?" Ed said nervously

now I know where I saw you before your the roller blade nut that caused my accident" I said angrily

"uh..... no?" Ed said in confusion

"your the reason why I owe 1,900 bucks! Your the reason why my mom found out I was driving without a license! Man you cost me a fortune!" I said out loud "you recked my summer man you ruined my life!"

"So you don't wanna hang out tonight?" Ed said confused

"No I don't to hang out with you ever!" I said while jumping over the counter and then I realized Otis was getting himself off the ground with his bones cracking

"you think you can get me to the hospital I think I broke my butt" Otis said in misery.

"come on Otis" I said while taking him to the door pushing Ed out the way after that I went home and saw my sister asleep so I took my uniform off and went to bed also.

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