1. Broke Beauty

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For years, Taehyung survived this cruel world alone, having to scrape up enough cash to get by and feed himself. He was a very skilled pickpocket but wasn't proud of it, he had only himself to rely on. He sat huddled up in his small apartment, gripping his worn shirt as he tried to keep warm. He couldn't afford to have the boiler on all the time so he had to keep himself warm. It was the cold time of year again, when the tree's were left bare and dullness took over.

It was also the time when he would find warmth in someone else's bed. This was another thing he wasn't proud of, exchanging sexual favours for a bit of cash and a bed for the night. He didn't even know why he continued with life except for the fact that he was scared of death.

He couldn't just sit here though, he needed to make money and fast, his part time job doesn't cover all his costs. He looked in the mirror and made himself look cute for the day, he's usually approached more often when he looks this way. He shivered from the thought of men and women touching him provocatively, luckily he's only come across people who understand consent.

Any day though, he could lose that luck.

He pulled on the one good pair of shoes he had left and exited the small apartment, locking the door. As soon as he made his way down the stairs, he breathed in the cold air and felt it pinch his throat. He sighed and began his walks in the streets.

Almost every person he passed on the street, he reached into their purses or open bags and stole their personal belongings. He did it so subtly that no one even noticed his crime. Taehyung manoeuvred his way skillfully through the crowded streets, ignoring some of the lustful stares. He found himself at the new skyscraper building 'grand opening of Hemera Logistics'. Many business men stood there oblivious to the beautiful pickpocket looking their way.

Taehyung smiled, he felt better when he stole off the wealthy, they have more than enough to share. Especially when they can afford their own building...

He slowly walked towards them, pulling a face that made him look deep in thought as he purposefully walked into the most rich looking person there. He let out a fake gasp as the man stumbled forward slightly "what the fuck!" A deep, angry voice shouted and turned to Taehyung. The brave pickpocket looked up at the man with innocent eyes "I'm s-sorry, I was deep in thought sir..." he said and hung his head. The mans eyes slightly softened at him but he just grunted and walked away quickly. Taehyung watched him walk off and quickly scuffled away himself, not wanting to be stared at.

He ran around the corner and pulled something from his bag, he'd quickly taken it from the rich guy's pocket. There was money, lots of it. Who carries this much cash? Taehyung unfolded the cash and out dropped a usb drive, he looked at it confused but pocketed it anyway and began to head home.

He will be able to have to heat on for a while and even have a long shower.


Jungkook woke up early in the morning, hair disheveled and pyjamas in disarray. He let out a long yawn and stretched, feeling satisfied when his arms felt more loose. His phone was buzzing with jobs from his clients, he was struggling to keep on top with all the offers but he always did the one that paid the most. His last job was a simple kill which took him 20 minutes to do yet he was paid millions for it. He ignored his phone for now and got himself ready for the day.

After he showered and dressed himself, he picked up the phone and read the top paying job. Jungkook's face contorted to confusion at the unusual job offer. Yes it did involve killing someone but it included retrieving and item for them. Do they think he's a delivery man? Jungkook's eyes widened when the sum they were offering doubled, they wanted this done ASAP.

"Hell, i'll be a delivery man for that amount!" He muttered and accepted the job. The young assassin grabbed his gear and read about what item they wanted to be retrieved. "A usb stick?" Jungkook said annoyed. He knew there had to be something important on it, other wise they wouldn't hire him for the job. 'Kill whoever you find at this address.' It said. "I'm guessing it got stolen." He said as he left his house, hoping this job goes as smoothly as the last one.

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