Chapter 7

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When I wake up the next morning I can smell something being cooked, I don't think our stove has ever been used before. Walking down the hall and into the kitchen I see a shirtless Niall standing at the stove with a spatula in his hand.

" What are you doing and put a shirt on its not decent." I scold him and he laughs.

" I'm making pancakes for us since Abi let me stay over last night, don't worry we didn't do anything." He assures me and I smile walking over to the counter and pick up a pancake to inspect it.

" You didn't like put any drugs in here did you. " I say unsure making him laugh.

" No there is no drugs in here." He says and I shrug. At least I will go out eating my favorite food. I hesitantly pour syrup on it and cut it up into pieces then take a bite.

" Oh my god are these chocolate chip? I didn't even know we had any left, I thought I used them all." I exclaim taking another bite.

" Yep found them behind the flour." He says and I finish the rest of the pancakes.

" Was Abi up?" I ask him putting my dish in the sink as he is finishing the last of the batter.

" Yeah she had to go to work so I figured I would stay here and make breakfast as like a thank you." He says.

" You are welcomed here anytime, just don't bring Harry." I say politely because I really like Niall and he and Abi are getting pretty close.

"You know Harry isn't that bad, he just has some...issues." He says with a frown.

"What kind of 'issues'?"

"I don't think he would like me telling you."

"It is fine I understand, well I got to change I have Chemistry in an hour. You can stay here as long as you want, just don't go in my room." I warn and I hear his laughter behind me.

"Hey Autumn ready for the test?" Zayn says hugging me when I enter the class.

"Not at all." I say cooly making him give me a look and I give him one back.

" Watch you are going to get the higest grade just like you always do, I honestly don't understand how you do it." He says and I shrug.

" So how is that girl of yours, did you ask her out yet?" I change the subject and his eyes brighten at the mention of her name.

" Yep Victoria and I are officially a couple." He says proudly making me laugh.

" But what about that rude guy with the tattoos?" He asks.

" Lets just say I wish I would have paid more attention to my surroundings that night."

" Is he really that bad?" He asks.

" When his friend just told me he has some 'issues' or whatever but I don't know what so-" I am interrupted when our professor walks in the room.

" Alright class sit down and get out your writing utensils because we have a test today...yay!" Our professor says with enthusiasm causing the room to erupt with a chorus of groans and mumbled curses to the professor. He hands out the three paged test packet and I start immediately hoping for the best.

A/N so hey guys surprise update yay, this is mad short but there is a reason to my madness you will just have to continue to read and possibly vote and or comment to find out. So yeah i posted the trailer and would like to send a shout to not only my editor but best friendRachelOfficial_because she is da bomb and is a great writer CHECK OUT HER STORIES! its here its finally here the trailer for Optimism so watch beCAUSE i SPENT alot of time on it Okay byees

You make me strong


Words: 653

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