Save You Tonight: A Liam Payne fanfiction

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       HAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its me Caitlin I'm the genius that wrote this masterpiece. So before i begin this fanfic I want so say a few words. First off there are going to be a few "Bad words" in this fanfic (that is why it is rated PG-13 and also other reasons ;))  and if you don't like the words that im using then K BAI   there's the door. And if you are fine with the words that I am using then I hope you enjoy my fan fic Chapter 2 will be up SOONNNN!!!!!!!!! <3

 Chapter 1: Flight days

                                                 ~Caitlin's POV~ 

      You are about to leave for a whole summer alone by yourself in England. You say goodbye to your mum and dad and leave to go on to your flight. Several long hours of boredom until the U.K. What to do what to think as you fall into a deep sleep.

        "Please keep all trays in the upright and locked position we will be landing in a few minutes thank you." the gummy bear says to the turtle. Wait what? you begin to wake up. What the heck were you dreaming about you think as you put your tray in the "upright and locked position". your plane comes to a full and complete stop and the flight attendant FINALLY lets people off the plane. You are the first one off of your flight and you are running because you do not want to be late for practice, (Coach makes you do 2 extra laps), and you run into wait somebody. "Sorry there love i guess i wasn't watching where i was going."

You look up and see a really cute figure looking back at you wow he is REALLY cute you think. CAITLIN WTH ARE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is like a God and you....well you are a potatoe. I guess you're right brain. Oh well. "Are you ok love?" says the cute boy with the cute accent.

"Yeah...Yeah i'm fine thank you" 

"Are you sure I need to get a doctor?"

"No..No im fine thank you. It was all my fault. I would LOVE to stay and chat but I have to go to my soccer practice. And it starts in 15 minutes. Oh joy.

"Do you want me to drive you love? Its the least I can do for body-slamming you."

"Ok yeah I think that that would be nice."

"Well first I have two things. One I never got your name. And two we have to find the boys first."

"Ok well my Caitlin is Name." you say with confidence. WTH BRAIN WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME????????????????? oh you're welcome bro. We can mess up this next sentence too if you would like. NO BRAIN TRY TO BE SMART. The cute british boy now gives you a confused look. "Hehe i did'nt mean for it too come out like that . Let me try again. My Name is Caitlin. How is that? "

"Better and My name is Liam. are you ready to go find the boys?" 

"Yeah shure. Let's go!" you say


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