First Day And First Loves

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7:30 am - Monday, December 15th

my eyes flutter open as the early sunrise is peeking through my window, i wipe my face with my hands and start to get ready for my first day of work.

1 hour later- BAU parking lot
i just pulled into to the parking lot of the giant FBI building, my stomach is in knots i'm so nervous. i mean i know the FBI isn't about making friends but i just want everyone to like me i'm not looking for any problems here considering my past. As i step out my car i hear a car pull into the spot next to mine and i looked over my shoulder and was in awe. I mean stopped in my tracks that's a big deal but in this moment my mind is fighting my heart. A blonde looks to be about 5'8, a gorgeous smile, and a silly smirk on her face. i'm not one to notice looks but she was like the sun.

as i snapped out of my trance i felt embarrassed because the blonde was now waving at me, in a hurry i grabbed my bag out of the back seat as my cheeks were now a bright shade of red and i walked into the building very fast. what was I thinking, what just happened i've always been attracted to guys but this was just different.

as i walked into the building i saw elevators a few feet in front of me so i entered and as soon as i did i was greeted by another blonde only this time she greeted me with a hug. she was very nice and outgoing which i picked up on really fast

penelope: "Hi my name is penelope!"
emily: "hello my name is-"
penelope: "emily prentiss, yes i know your 39, your an  SSA, in fact our brand new SSA"
emily: "oh wow you know a lot about me" *nervously*
penelope: "i'm the technical analyst for the BAU, i did a little bit of hacking"

the elevator door opens and they both step out

emily: "well nice to meet you penelope i have to go
check in with agent hotcher could you actually point me to his office?"

as i was walking up the ramp to my boss's office i see the same girl from the parking lot in the office next to my boss. how am i ever gonna get any work done around here i thought to myself.


i just got out of agent hotchners office honestly i don't think he is very fond of me, but i am having some serious fatigue so i'm going on a mission to find the coffee machine.
as i get up from my desk i notice someone out of the corner of my eye walking towards me and all of sudden someone is walking beside me on my way to the coffee machine. it's the blonde.

jj: "Hi i'm jennifer jareu and you are?"
my cheeks immediately blush up
emily: "emily prentiss it's my first day"
jj: "well emily prentiss how has your first day been so far"
emily: "well it's only 10 am and i'm getting coffee again so um that's something" i said in a sarcastic tone.
jj: "well don't worry first days are always the worst but i would hope you wouldn't give up on us just yet"
emily: "definitely am not planning on it although hotch doesn't seem to fond of me honestly."
jj: "that's just him he's a tough egg to crack but once you get a rhythm he's a great guy."
emily: "well jennifer-"
jj: "please call me jj"
emily: "well jj thank you for the advice and i hope to see you around"
jj: "hey actually um wait i don't have many friends around here, would you maybe wanna get a drink tonight or something"
i was in shock did she just ask me out on a date.
emily:  um sure i would love to i-i-i mean yes i'll see you tonight!
jj: "it's a date"

the younger blonde walks away

so it is a date, i am so freaking confused i've never been on a date with a girl.

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