Chapter 3 - Mariah Talks to Abby

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After her talk with Tessa, Mariah headed back to Chancellor mansion to speak with Abby. She figured it would be best to give her a response as soon as possible.

When they entered the main room, Abby could already tell the answer Mariah was going to give her was not the one she had hoped for.

"Abby, I thought about your request and I feel honored that you would consider me as your first choice" Mariah exhaled. "I know how badly you want to have a family. I wish I could help you but it's just not something I can do for you" she explained. "This was a huge decision so I wanted to give it some thought. I'm sorry Abby I can't be your surrogate" she stated.

"It's okay Mariah. I understand. I know it was a lot to ask" Abby responded obviously disappointed.

Mariah tried to explain, "this would be a first pregnancy for me and Tessa. I would be carrying a child for you when we haven't even figured out what that would look like for us. I also think we would both get too attached to the baby" she admitted.

"I appreciate you giving it some thought. I know it was a long shot. I didn't mean to make you feel pressured or make Tessa uncomfortable" Abby said.

"No. You didn't" Mariah offered shaking her head but looking a bit rattled.

Abby noticed Mariah's discomfort. "But, there is something else Mariah, what is it?" she asked sensing there was an issue.

Mariah exhaled, "you know I nearly lost Tessa this year. I still can't imagine if she didn't take me back after what I did to us. I would have spent the rest of my life knowing that I destroyed the most beautiful thing in my life" she explained. "I was an idiot. I was trying to put her first but I wasn't; I was being selfish and controlling and not letting her in. She took me back and after all that" she paused struggling with the next part, "she tried to propose and I shut her down because I wasn't in a good head space because of Sharon."

Abby was surprised by this, "wow, I had no idea Mariah" she responded slightly cringing at what Mariah had done, "but Sharon's been doing better for awhile now..." Abby was puzzled.

Mariah nodded and then shook her head at her own foolishness, "I just assume she's going to be here for me and I took her for granted

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Mariah nodded and then shook her head at her own foolishness, "I just assume she's going to be here for me and I took her for granted. I'm not saying no to being your surrogate because of Tessa. I'm saying no in part because it's way overdue for us to have our own next chapter and I don't want to do anything to put that at risk because it is what I want more than anything."

"I completely understand" Abby agreed. "It was a lot to ask. Too much" Abby acknowledged. "I didn't realize that you building your own family might be right around the corner" Abby inferred smiling.

"Well, I wouldn't say that. But we need to talk about it. We have a lot to talk about" Mariah admitted. I want you to know Abby, we both really want this for you and Chance. If there's anything else we can do, we would like to" she offered.

"Thank you Mariah. Being here for me is more than enough. I really value the friendship we have been building lately and I hope my request didn't cause any problems for you and Tessa."

"No we are good." She considered, "I think discussing this actually gave me a lot of clarity for what I want" she admitted.

"Well, happy to help" Abby laughed making Mariah smile and exhale finally.

"Well, happy to help" Abby laughed making Mariah smile and exhale finally

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"Remember, whatever you need. Well, anything else..." Mariah smiled.

They hugged and Mariah left.

For the first time in a while, Mariah felt so certain about where she was headed in life. She had known with certainty for some time now what or rather whom she wanted today, tomorrow, and forever. Now she just needed to make sure that Tessa knew.

To be Continued in the sequel: 

Our Next Chapter 

(Wish fulfillment continued in a happy Teriah fanfic...)

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